VM687: Whoops. Could not load the session. Sorry

Recently I have more and more problems with my couse. At the beginning I was able to learn only 1 new item per session. Now I have error “Whoops. Could not load the session. Sorry.” and no more information. Could you please help me with it? I don’t want to create new course again :confused:

Code from dev console: VM687:1 GET https://www.memrise.com/ajax/session/?course_id=1751247&course_slug=corpo-dictionary&level_index=15&session_slug=learn&_=1536523210197 400 ()

Uhhhhh never seen this before. Sorry

I finally had more time to find the issue. Because my course is now divided into levels I tried to learn new words from different levels and one of them ended with “Whoops” error…
I ocured that while importing new words one item had no Answer part - only Question.
Anyway why Memrise could just tell me: “Hey look this item is spoiled - could you please fix it?”
No… Whoops Memrise…

I work very hard on it. Spent over 1y almost every day