Hello folks! Does anyone happen to know if a larger sized image course might create problems in loading for those with poor internet? I’ve created a moderately sized (400 item) image based course and find that some images are slow to load (even after resizing). This occurs both on my computer and mobile devices.
I’ve tried to limit this issue by keeping image resolution low and each set constrained to 10 items. Overall I think it has worked well, though I am wondering if I could expand the course length (while keeping the same set size) without impacting performance.
The biggest of those image took well over a minute to load for me. I would get an image editing program to resave the images, or use new ones. As it is the file sizes range now from 60+kb (okay I guess) to 1,722 kb (too big). Alternatively, in your searches limit the file sizes of the results.
I would say split the course up and link between them, but perhaps mobile users won’t be able to see the description/link?