I’m French and I started studying Russian 10 months ago with the English version, because I only found that one. I did courses 2, 3 and 4, and I arrived at level 7 of course 5. I continue the revisions on the previous courses.
I really appreciate these courses and I see that there is now the same course for french speaker. I would prefer to use this version but not redo everything. Is it possible to start the Russian course 5 for French at the level where I am, validating the previous levels? :
validate completion of the Russian 2, Russian 3 and Russian 4 courses for French speakers
validate levels 1 to 7 of the Russian 5 course for French speakers
Firstly, congrats on your progress! I hope you’re enjoying the journey and having fun along the way.
What encouraged you to start learning Russian if you don’t mind me asking?
Despite the added benefit of practising your English skills whilst learning Russian, having your native tongue as the source language is, of course, more comfortable.
We continuously add new language pairs. The French-Russian combination may not have been released yet when you started.
Each course is separate and progress can’t be transferred between courses.
There is, however, a very time-consuming trick to make items appear completed.
As the Russe 2-3-4 courses are relatively compact, I’ve made an exception and applied said trick. You should now be able to dive straight into reviewing these courses.
Please note we can’t assist with similar requests in the future. This was a one-off exception not to be repeated anytime soon (if ever) due to its tedious and time-consuming nature.
Thanks for the tag @John_Baite!
…and apologies for my slow response.
You may or may not be aware I left Support nearly 2 years ago to focus on internal office operations. I still love getting involved but limited time means it’s not always possible to be as responsive as I’d like to.
You can use Cooljingle’s available “Auto learn” user script where you can mark a SINGLE words as fully planted on the 1st try / plant.
There should be another auto_learn feature available for course owners and course contributors.
There was a time (I missed that before October 2016) were every normal user could even add “auto_learn” to the URL instead of a normal learning process to mark words as fully planted.
This “feature” has been taken away unfortunately for normal users.
So Lien is right, there is no EASY way to do it.
I do not even understand how all set space repetition (SR) intervals are kept from your English courses when you transform over to the French courses.
However, even I understand IT stuff well and I am a Java developer myself, I honestly have to say, that this is very mysterious what Lien wrote about “applied that trick”.
I probably would have used the Memrise2Anki exporter and stayed with your older courses for those finished words as the SR intervals shall be migrated over too (this is what I have heard, not personally tested).
I know there was a HSK coded user script available were you could manually copy and paste a words list from old HSK 1 to 2 courses which should be “marked” in the next course.
But that is about IGNORE, not about auto_learn (re-learn).
Auto_ignore has been removed too by staff.
I just want to bring the attention back to the Memrise blog.
Maybe it would be better to tell new users about available tricks and how they could have done this for themselves?
Sometimes it is better to move one step forward, write down what is known internally, even it is more complicated to access and time consuming to do, make it publicly available so everyone can understand it, instead of hiding behind “mysterious lines”?
I appreciate very much that @Lien could step in and help, no matter how complicated and mysterious this time consuming trick was
Thanks Lien!
BTW: Is there any way to publish a Memrise staff and tagging list collection on www.memrise.com/about/team who belongs to which departement and how we can / shall tag each one for which task on the community forum?
I am a Memrise member since about end of (October) 2016 but it definitely is ZERO transparent to me (and many other members) how your team and departement structure look like and what we need or shall not do.