Is it me or is it annoying that Memrise makes there be 8 answers in a multiple choice question. I think that’s over excessive.
For reviews multiple-choice is IMHO wrong method, to test on RECALLING words / phrases.
Are you into the learning mode (planting) for new words?
You better use Cooljingle’s user script: All-typing & more script stuff
Any chance you can use “all-typing” with those above language characters and a keyboard?
With his scripts “Catch up review”, “Autolearn”, “Autocorrect”, “Learning retries” Cooljingle was already able to hack pretty into the default Memrise behavior. and change it for a (much) better use, etc. reducing 3 (4-6) wrong answer questions to 1.
I am learning Portuguese btw
You may want to send him a PN and see if he can further modify multiple-choice answers for e.g reducing to max 4-6 multiple choice limits, if the API allows it.
For PT many multiple-choice answer selections are too easy, as quite often the wrong answers are displayed (wrong very) so you can easily guess them instead of being presented with 1:1 harder selection choices.
I think multiple-choice questions are nice for the first 1-3 flower steps.
I think that part of the annoyance is that sometimes people have to scroll down to see all of the answers (as it looks like is the case for you, based on your screenshot). You can zoom out a bit in order to fix this problem, though