[Userscript] Hide Cheaters on the Leaderboards

Hello, I was going to write this as a reply for some other topic… But I guess it should be here, more easily found. This is what I believe…

Apparently, there seems to be a relationship between words learned and points, ~1000 for every 1 word learned, I assume. So if a person has 20,000 words learned he’s points should be around ~20,000,000. If the discrepancy is a little high you should consider his Learn - Review ratio and extrapolate around that, if you guys (Memrise Team) keep that kind of information around of course.

Anyways, if the discrepancy is too high, e.g. you have only ~8.000 words learned, there is no way in hell you can be 308.000.000, only by underhanded means.

Hope this helps in some way, I love the community. Sorry if I seem to underestimate your (Memrise Team) understanding, that’s not my intention, I understand you guys have a lot to do with few resources, given the great business model and identity of Memrise.

If this would somehow make some cheaters go away or get their true points worth it would make my day. Anyhow, I use this algorithm to evaluate the true position of my fellow contenders on leaderboards and estimate if they are cheating or not with a quite high success rate, I believe.

Given that I already suspected that some users were cheating and then found corroborating evidence on forums, like unusual point gains reported by other users.

What do you guys think? Does my thought process make sense?

Update 1: Thanks for the replies guys, apparently there are some circumstances in which my train of thought might be flawed (when a person repeats a course, etc). Anyways, I guess it is actually not something to stress over anyways. The ones cheating are only cheating themselves. We should just do our thing and worry about the results that matter, i.e. learning.

Update 2: Aparently, this doesn’t apply always, but when I tried restarting and quitting a given course my word count did not go down in neither cases - and it did go up after relearning the words, implying consistency, ~1000 points per word (more if the user reviews more, depending can even double or triple, more than that is quite unlikely) points per word - but I guess that wans’t always the case. Anyhow, it’s fun to try to understand things.

Update 3: I’ve come up with a userscript to hide people which I find suspicious on the Global Leaderboard. Feel free to modify it to your needs, like if you weren’t going to do it anyways. :joy:

Update 4: Now the userscript works on every Leaderboard, last I checked.

// ==UserScript== 
// @name Memrise Leaderboard Cleaner Plus 3000
// @namespace http://localhost
// @version 1.0
// @description Hide specific users on the leaderboards.
// @match http://www.memrise.com/*
// ==/UserScript==

// Users you wish to hide.
var blacklist = [

  m.render = (function() {
    var cached_function = m.render;

    var reorder = function(element) {
      var selector;
      if (element.className == 'leaderboard-container wide')
        selector = 'span.row-pic > strong';
      else if (element.className == 'span3 leaderboard-container')
        selector = 'span.row-username > strong';
      $(arguments[0]).find(selector).each(function(index) {
    var remove = function(element, blacklist) {
      $.each(blacklist, function(key, value) {
        $(element).find('span.row-username > span:contains("' + value + '")').closest('li.leaderboard-row').remove();
    return function() {
      result = cached_function.apply(this, arguments);
      if (arguments[0].className == 'leaderboard-container wide' || arguments[0].className == 'span3 leaderboard-container')
        remove(arguments[0], blacklist);

      return result;

I came to a similar conclusion months ago after analyzing the total points and total words of the top 50 users at that time. For long-time, high-scoring legitimate users, the ratio tends to be between 1200 points per word and 4500 points per word, mostly clustering around 1800-2400.

The relationship of 1000 points per word that I mentioned in another thread applies to how many words per day you need to learn in order to be able to earn X points per day. It only takes into account things that you’ve learned in the last 1-4 months.

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Memrise has explained it doesn’t make sense for them to devote time to investigate if supposed cheaters are actually cheating. I agree. If it bothers people so much, a workaround might be to install a userstyle that hides those ‘cheaters’ from their leaderboards.

I can quickly hack something together probably using this as a base:

// ==UserScript== 
// @name Hide [Course Forum] topic on community.memrise 
// @namespace http://use.i.E.your.homepage/ 
// @version 0.1 
// @description enter something useful 
// @match http://community.memrise.com/*
// @copyright 2012+, You 
// ==/UserScript==


$("tr.ember-view:contains('[Course Forum]')").css("opacity","0.1");

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There was a lot of discussion about this on the old forum. Personally, I don’t think it’s worth worrying about. The leaderboards are meaningless anyway.

There is no true relationship between words and points, and a high points to words ratio isn’t necessarily an indication of cheating. For example, I completed the 1700-word Spanish A1 course some time ago and reached 3.1m points doing it. My monthly reviews add around 60k points. Yet the people at the top of the course leaderboard have more than 35m points for the same course. Probably down to course-repeating rather than cheating.

Don’t waste you time trying to analyse it. Just enjoy your own learning.


of course there is a relation between the two… but the other assumption is wrong (1000 points an item). I am an old user of memrise who does not return to the basics she learnt 3 years ago - many of the courses i’ve quit need urgent watering, probably. Also, i’ve quitted some courses in a more radical manner: I clicked “restart” before leaving them aside, which “restart” pushed my items counter down (with several thousands.) Also, I do regulary water some courses I started some 2 years ago; also, I take some other courses which contain many items that I’ve learned hundreds of time and still don’t know. In those courses, I suspected I have more than 2000 points per item…

You are right about that person/bot/m**** having 308.000.000 for some 8000 items: that person/bot/m**** is a cheater.

On the other hand, one should never care about Memrise leaderboards; Memrise wanted the site gamified, but did not find a method to make it fairplay.

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paperopunico - http://www.memrise.com/user/paperopunico/
extremedream - http://www.memrise.com/user/extremedream/
HFGW - http://www.memrise.com/user/HFGW/



Sometime I restart a whole course and the number of words stay the same but my point increase.It’s difficult sometime to know a cheater from a non-cheater.

It’s very easy.


Follow paperopunico THIEF (http://www.memrise.com/user/paperopunico/) for 1 day.

See that the thug stay the same points all time and suddenly appears 150,000 / 200,000 / 300.000 points as “magic”.

You will easily realize that it is just a SHIT that only appears to steal.

É multo fácil.


Acompanhe paperopunico **


** (http://www.memrise.com/user/paperopunico/) por 1 dia.

Perceba que o bandido fica com os mesmos pontos e de repente aparece 150,000 / 200,000 / 300.000 pontos como “mágica”.

Facilmente vai perceber que não passa de um MERDA que só aparece para roubar.

That is no proof. They could have been using the app to learn offline then sync when they could. And 300,000 points a day is achievable, especially on the app. Or are they getting more points than that?

I’ll download the app, decompile it, and discover out how to start stealing, too.

The memrise discourages.

This also is no proof. That you can do a thing does not prove that others are doing that thing. For Memrise to do anything they need proof, and it does not make sense for them to investigate it – unless there really is no way the user is not cheating and even then it might be too much trouble.

Want a greater proof that I spend 6/8 hours and make about 300,000 and someone suddenly come in and make 300,000, 400,000, 500,000 (depending on the position he wants in the ranking)?

I addressed that in my previous reply. And even 1 million a day is achievable.

In addition to being perfectly normal someone has 3,811 Words and 139,954,910 Points.

It happens to everyone here.

I say that without stealing IT IS IMPOSSIBLE.

That is not so easily explained away. Maybe they restart courses they quit? They do have a very long streak though so they are obviously committed to learning or to whatever they are doing.

No it isn’t.

Total: 1,000,000.00 points
150 points (if for review)

6,666.67 words per day
277.78 words per hour
4.63 words per minute

Everyone does it with their eyes closed.


**Perfectly possible, when one is a




It’s certainly not easy, but it is also certainly not impossible. Do you remember the Memrise challenges? Those were done in January and September 2015, not a few people got over 1 million points a day then.

What you are looking for is to rule out any possibility someone is not cheating before you do anything. This possibility, though unlikely, is not yet ruled out.