[Userscript] Attempt to Eliminate Phantom Entries

Buenos días, perdón que escriba en español.
Estoy sorprendido de que los creadores de la aplicación no solucionen el problema y tengan que ser los usuarios los que intenten la solución.
Estoy probando el tutorial que aparece al inicio pero las entradas se vuelven todas verdes y después las entradas fantasmas siguen apareciendo.
No funciona. Necesito ayuda.
Gracias siempre.
Un saludo.

@babulous I think you’re right about this not working under Greasemonkey. I’ve added a note to the original post. Sorry for the trouble :slight_smile:

@Alejandrosanzalvarez Did you perhaps delete the invalid entries from the “Levels” tab instead of from the “Database” tab? :slight_smile:

¿Tienes Android app? ¿Has probado salir de app y entrar de nuevo (logout-login) despues de aplicar el script?

Thanks for your help. You are great people.
By touching too much I have loaded the database and I have had to start over with which I have no ghost entries … for now.
Thank you

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@Alejandrosanzalvarez Glad you got it working :slight_smile:

FYI, if you need to delete an entry in the future, it’s probably better to delete it from the database rather than from the level. When an entry is deleted from a level, it remains in the database, so it still might show up in multiple choice questions.

In my experience a refresh/reload command on a database is one line of code/15 seconds of work. The bug has been there for so long, programmers at Memrise probably have a very good reason not to do it.
(In the meantime, that one is the ugliest blemish on my course.)

Hey guys,

Kindly, Olaf.Rabbachin answered another thread where I was calling out for help for a similar issue, but after trying the scrip a few times, it doesnt seem to be doing anything.
However, it seems to be a slightly different bug.

You see…The description of Phantom Entries in that forum is “sometimes when you’re presented with multiple choice answers, some of the answers will be old definitions that aren’t present in your course anymore. These are phantom entries.”

What is happening here is a little different, and that is that what is displayed is both the Portuguese and it’s English translation. All in the same option. (see attachment)

Maybe because of that, the script did nothing (as fas as I can see from further testing)
Course - Pre-Journey - The One With The Benfica … - by portuguesewithcarla - Memrise

Hope that makes sense.

Can’t say for the desktop, but if you are using Android app and have Memrise subscription, then try to download new version of the course. Or you should delete all Memrise data and log in into the app again.

This shouldn’t apply to the web-version as it completely runs online, so there’s no cache besides cookies.

As for updating course data in the Android app, I described the possible approaches here:

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Thanks. No, I don’t have a paid account or use Android.

So, this is getting worse now :pensive:

I tried to fix this by going through and deleting the problematic entries and creating new ones.
Well, now we have 3 times the same thing. As a possible answer, we have the old one, the old with the english translation and the new one.

Does anybody have a better idea?
I’ve run the script a gazilion times. Nothing :grimacing:

Since this probably isn’t about phantom entries anymore, I went ahead and answered in → your original thread.


@neoncube After I ran the script to rid of phantom entries, my word options show so similar (rather than randomly from the database) that it has made it harder to choose the correct word. Does this happen to any of you?

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I agree it takes longer (and care) to find the right answer.
MemRise selects similar (but different) options to make sure you know which is the correct version.
It’s probably better than typing.

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I wish Memrise would make a small logical change to their algorithm to ensure that the selected MCQ distractor items are as similar to the correct answer as possible, but never identical.

@MemriseSupport, I believe that making this change (that would affect both official and community courses) would significantly enhance user experience . Thank you in advance for looking into this.

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It wasn’t like this before I ran the script. I wish @neoncube can take a look at the script again and find a solution to it.

Sorry for the late reply, @YangNoah.

I’m afraid I don’t know of a way to fix this :confused:

The script essentially asks Memrise to generate new multiple choice options for each word, and I think Memrise tries to choose options that are as similar looking as possible.

You could try filing a feature request with Memrise asking them to make multiple choice answers be less similar: https://memrise.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000240297

Hi @neoncube, I believe you are correct. The Memrise algorithm appears to deliberately choose MCQ distractors than are as similar to the correct answer as possible. This is an excellent feature, in my opinion - and it’s been like this for at least 10 years.

I think that the only defect in their algorithm is that distractors are sometimes displayed that are identical to the displayed correct answer - with the result that the user can get their answer marked wrong unfairly.

One solution would be for Memrise to change their algorithm to allow any distractor that’s a duplicate of of the correct answer to be acceptable as correct.

Alternatively, the algorithm could be changed to prevent copies of the correct answer appearing in the displayed set of distractors.

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@ian_mn Agreed! :slight_smile: I remember running into that bug, but I haven’t used Memrise in forever, so not sure if they’ve fixed it now? XD

In @YangNoah’s screenshot, I think all the answers are unique, although #1 and #3 look very similar, haha.

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