Uralic -Finno Ugric Siberian and those that do not belong Isolates

General terms for Language Families even those are disputed Altai and mainly we should try to help us who are interested in languages of small numbered peoples who have suffered from Language imperialism from English mem rise off ice in London a language mishmash that actually promotes languages of small peoples ,please do not mis understand ,because Amur Aynu or the Aynu of Jo mon and Satsu mon culture have been absorbed into Japanese and Even Aynu can not escape actually I that read most languages today are very common words e.g. Water E aqua L waqqa Aynu so memrise and users should try to sort out in classification because it takes all day to find something unusual I do not expect a reply ,but it seems Russia is left out from this forum,there are no info and all languages are search abled ,but not Uralic and Siberian.