Upper case letters in the middle of the word

there some words with upper case letters in the middle of the word. Why? Whats the rule? Thank you.

Hi. As a Russian speaker, I can’t recall any of words with capital letters in the middle (except names after prefixes and dashes, or some abbreviations). Could you give an example?

Some course creators use a capital letter to show which vowel is stressed in a word.

Could it be this?

A link to the course would help - maybe Alexander could then check if you are not sure.

Ah, yes, it’s possible. If the capitalized letter is a vowel, it just shows a stress. Of course, in ordinary texts we don’t show it :slight_smile:

this is an example: писать (пиСАТЬ)
May be, leggi, you are right.

Right, that just shows the stress. In this particular case, it’s really important, because if you confuse the stressed syllable, the word will have completely different meaning (пИсать - to pee, писАть - to write). Of course, it’s just for learning purposes, usually we don’t capitalize stressed syllables.

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Thank you very much.