How can I upload my custom font to memrise?
I am using Memrise to memorize (see the pun there :d) some vocabulary from my course book (Elements of Hittite by Theo van Hout). I wanted to step up my game and use this app also for memorizing the cuneiform signs. This app is REALLY good at making you memorize, and cuneiform signs are really hard :D. I wanted to first add photos of the signs but it did not work, memrise only accepts texts, as far as I am concerned. So, I created a custom font from Font Struct, and I can use the font in Word. But when I ctrl+c from my word document, the correspondence of that sign gets pasted on Memrise. Is there any way I can use my font, or better, is there any way I can put certain cuneiform signs to my course?
I don’t think you can upload a custom font.
But you can create an image course. First add an image column to your database.