No, it’s a bug which we’ve reported and which should hopefully be fixed shortly.
i am so glad that it will be fixed
Same problem.
same problem here.
uploading new words without a picture greatly reduces my mnemonic capabilities.
hope it doesn’t take forever to fix the problem.
This problem seems to have come back again. For the last two weeks or so I’ve been unable to add images. I add words to mems but r when I click the button and navigate to an image it refuses to upload the image. It’s not the size or format (jpegs or gifs are under 20kb) I’ve also tried in Any ideas?
we are still looking at this, due to the holidays things take a little longer. Apologies and thanks for your patience
Yes, mems got worse. For a few weeks I could not upload pictures, but adding mem-text was ok. Now mem button does not respond at all.
Yep, mem button on the website does not work now.
allow us a little bit more time on this. its proving to be a bit more annoying than we thought but we are looking at it.
Add Mem doesn’t work for several days now. This appears to be a long-running issue that Memrise is unable to fix. The entire premise of Memrise is to use Mems, so this is a crippling defect that needs to be fixed asap.
Good news! It’s working OK today. I was able to upload an image and add text.
We released a fix last night, please do let us know if it somehow misbehaves
Thanks @JBorrego, much appreciated. The problem appears to be fixed for me on the Memrise platform, but not on the Decks platform, where exactly the same behaviour is still occurring.
super, its WOKRING
at last everything works fine.
thanks “Jesus”.
Not sure how to add an image to a mem.
Hi @DW7, do you have a screenshot of what you see when creating a mem? The option to upload a picture from your files should appear (please note that Help me remember this will only appear on non-Beta mode).
Thanks for getting back to me.
Ah! I think the issue is to do with the fact that I created the Mem from within the Android App while learning.
If I should be able to add an image from the App (as well as creating just text) let me know.
See screen-shot.
Looking on the web and going into edit, I see I can upload an image.
Which I have just done!