Unable to select "go without a mem" option

Every time I try, it just selects the “always load mem’s” option. I’ve tried clicking further right to see if it’s just a case of the links being out of sync or something, but no that doesn’t work. I tried deleting cookies, restarting the pc, and disabling all scripts and userstyles, but the problem still exists. If I ever select 'help me remember", then I am forced to either select a mem, create a mem, or refresh page which just restarts session.


Yup, I noticed this, too, exactly the same procedure. Thanks for taking the time to report it! I was just accepting the annoyance and hoping it would fix itself.

@MemriseSupport @MemriseBugBlasters @BeaTrisy @Joshua @Lien

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The same problem has been reported here, too:

And here a few days earlier.

Just press Escape to skip the mem selection. I wonder whether the Memrise team is completely incompetent or has some hidden agenda, because the ceaseless mutilation of the web version without acknowledging bugs, let alone fixing them, is mind-boggling.

Just wanted to point out that it doesn’t have to be just one or the other. Both things could be true at the same time… :thinking: