You’ve introduced the silly half-learning mode from the app to the web version as well?! Please, please, restore that, or at least make it optional. That was my biggest problem with the app so far, but I figured I shouldn’t complain, because sometimes people don’t have much time when they learn on the phone, etc. But why in the web version? I mean, after all, if I don’t have the time to finish, there’s always pause -> save and exit, and the progress will be saved. Please don’t dumb down the site, it used to be the best language learning website around.
Hi. I just tried after reading your post and it let me complete the session and learn 10 words without interruption. Is it in every course or just one? I hope it’s just a glitch…
Hm, I’ve only tried it in one so far, I’ll test it. It let you learn them to the end, testing you six times on every word, not just three?
Edit: Hmm, you’re right, it works normal in a private course. Maybe they’ve added it only for the Memrise official ones?
Yep, that’s what I got today, too! The full six in a private course but only three in an ‘official’ Memrise-produced course.
Like you, I would prefer to retain the facility to control my own learning cycle. If it’s an easy one (eg a single word), I want to be able to do the full six. If it’s a complex one (eg a long phrase containing some difficult new words), I want to be able to ‘bale out’ at some point of my choosing before the full six and return to it later.
I would also like this reverted. I get the impetus – from out here it looks like you’re trying to simplify your code base by having your web and mobile apps use exactly the same internal API calls. However, web and mobile are completely different use cases! People just don’t use web apps in the same way as mobile apps.
Yesterday, I tried the privet one and have just tried user created one and they all work fine. I don’t use any official courses but I can see how frustrating and inconvenient it must be. I hope they’ll let the users choose the temp they prefer and don’t apply the same formula to other courses…
Personally, I think that the only advantage of the app over web is absence of timer, everything else is dumbing down the web version instead of improving the app…
I’ve been a little inactive this week so I haven’t come across what you’re talking about yet, but it was not a nice surprise to find out just now that one must click on “Help me remember this” to get the mems to appear every single time you make a mistake. Why not give the user the option of “Mems off” or “Mems on”? Also, the “Review” caption to continue reviewing is in a teeny, tiny font that is off center, looks ugly because it doesn’t match the rest of the page, and is hard to see.
Hi all,
have you tried it with Cooljingle’s Tampermonkey learning-retries user script:
I thought about requesting a user script for half-planting, as I found it superb to be able to learn 10 words for multiple levels, without fully planting them when my backlog queues were still quite full for PT6 + PT7.
As alanh has already explained, there are different scenarios for both…sometimes (often) fully planting is better…
For learning phrases I might like it better to half-plant (first seeing) multiple sentences, and try again without being punished actually have to have to review in 4-5 hours later.
PT7 was my scenario where I wanted to push forward with NEW phrases/sentences, when I had two really good days…
What is worse I clicked on it and now I can’t get out without choosing or making a mem.
Clicking on Go without a mem just checks and unchecks the box in front of Always load mems.
Got a different version of the ‘new’ planting cycle in an ‘official’ course today.
When planting a set of five, and answering everything correctly, I got thrown out after four words were correctly answered four times and the fifth word correctly answered three times. Can’t see a reason for the inconsistency, so why not apply the ‘half learning’ point after 5 x 4 or 5 x 3?
It’s not clear from the level page whether I will be prompted to complete the planting cycle after four or five hours or it’s left to me to decide when (which, of course, is what I’ll do).
Hi Alanh,
is the “Auto learn” user script from Cooljingle still working for the offical 1-7 courses and latest half-planting update?
Sorry, I can not try for myself as my PT BR 1-5 course are already finished and PT6+7 only “miss” three more planting steps for the remaining 10 words.
Hi Thomas,
Sorry, I don’t know if that user script has been affected. I don’t use that one - the only one I use is the ‘all typing’ script.
As I said, I preferred things the way they were. If I was fairly confident that I had learned the item, I was happy to go straight through the first six steps in one go. But, if there was a difficult one in the set eg a long phrase or a complex word, I could exit after the first three or four steps (my choice) and return to complete the set later. Today’s example (which I hadn’t seen before) was five easy items (nouns/pronouns) from Level 5 of Spanish (Spain) 6.
Of course, it’s easy enough for me to go back in and complete the planting stage but that seems an additional unnecessary thing to do that I wouldn’t have had to do before they introduced the ‘half-planting’ change to the web version. I’m currently holding back, waiting to see if I get a prompt to complete the planting phase…but I’m not expecting one!
I understand that you could terminate the learning session.
This would not only leave ONE difficult word/phrase/sentence un-learned, but all other 10-15 words (set) from the session - which might be easier - are also terminated / kept unfinished planting.
This might be (for you) a workaround, but it surely is not the ideal solution how to deal with 1-n phrases / difficult words of a 10-15 set (learning session) and the rest of “words” from normal to easy difficulty.
Very easy?
It does not always make IMHO sense that Memrise forces you into 6 learning steps, no matter how easy some words are.
AnkiSRS e.g has two “planting (learning) steps” as the default which you can customize as you like; and maybe with addons you even have more power…and you always are allowed to press the “EASY” self-rating answer button, so the next review interval won’t be 4h, 12h or 1 day but a nice jump to 3 or 4 days (custom easy review interval).
If I were you, and you need to plant VERY easy words / phrases, I would try to bypass all 3-6 “learning steps” and go for fully planting, which you can exactly do with “Auto learn” if it may still work after the recent update.
Yes I know, the “nice thing” with Memrise individual planting steps are the mixed exercises:
- some audio / listen
- multiple-choice target-> source, source->target
- 1-2 tries for typing / RECALLING in the target language as one of the final 4-6 steps
For words / phrases / sentences with a “normal difficult” level I still prefer this, than only one single planting steps or two (AnkiSRS default) as this allows me to “get used” to the word with different exercise challenges.
I used these pre-learning and after-learning methods for Memrise in combination with previously or afterwards completed DuoLingo skills (70 verbs, adverbs, adjectives).
I still struggle a little bit here and then remembering some Portuguese BR words, but Memrise with it’s L1->L2 target language reviews (RECALLS) has tremendously helped me over the last 1,5 years to hammer some words into my head
And as we know, the last DuoLingo crowns update is not yet too well prepared for spaced repetition.
Personally I would be interested to customize even more when I want / need to break the planting of single words (1 step, 3-4 half-planting steps, 6 fully planting).
What do you think?
Do you share my opinions or how do you have been trying to live with the workarounds?
Yes, you’re quite right but I only plant in sets of five, so that is less of an issue for me and a lot depends on what position within the set the difficult one[s] appear[s]. My issue with the arbitrary introduction of ‘half-planting’ is that it has the effect of leaving all planting sessions (in those courses it applies to) in a state of ‘limbo’.
Greater flexibility/customization options would be great and it has been requested by many people over the years but Memrise aren’t very receptive.
I don’t use DuoLingo or Anki.