Unable to pick an audio while revising

When I revise I am unable to pick one audio, and it happens with the correct one ;/ I am only able to listen two of those answers and not the third one, hence I know -.-

{Sorry for the picture}

Flashcards with sound - by Patrizioso - Memrise This is the course.

It happens to me too although very seldom. Sometimes such audio tests are completely silent so I have to guess the right answer… It must be something to do with audio subsystem so just exit the lesson gracefully (so your current progress is saved), then exit the program (either gracefully or by killing it) and reenter.

Yes, that’s what I do :slight_smile:

Yes It happens to me too.
I normally then have to press the black speaker icon with the dash through it - this causes the question type to change for this question.
It is then possible to select the correct answer or type it in.

I also have this issue - but it happens on almost every lesson of this type. And it only happens to the correct answer.

This is still a problem. Only helps if you can turn off audiorevision (that little loudspeakers at the top), but it is no use for audio-only courses. Always the right one is the one you can’t choose