UI Website

Hi Everyone, i hope to be in the right place here :slight_smile:

I would like to modify the UI of the webpage so it could incorporate sentences and images in a better way.
I’m a professional Developer, although my experience could be somehow debated ahah, but that’s another topic.
Anyway, i have experience in UI / UX and other knowledge of programming languages, and could give some support in this area for free (since i’m a avid user memrise, and this would also benefit my usage of the website.)

For Instance when learning, there are several things that could be optimized like the title bar of the question, the number of questions, the width of the boxes, font design and scale, maybe even incorporate a dark theme.

When using a website, the format that it’s being displayed is more relevant for words or for mobile use, however when it comes to long sentences or images, this becames hard to manage.

So in order to incorporate this better without crashing the current settings an option when creating the course could be added to better fit the content of questions.

Regarding the Style of the webpage i could give some examples of how it could be optimized:

Had to remove this image (post only allows one pic) - This is the current view for a course i created regarding some certifications i have at work

Normal Version
Had to remove this image (post only allows one pic)

Anyway, let me know how can i help :slight_smile:

I’ll tag @lurkmoophy for you - he should be the guy to talk to.

Join my discord and we can discuss a userscript for this. https://discord.gg/SkXm2r

Hey @Elthask! Always great to see keen Memrise users giving feedback :smiley: We’re actually in the process of redesigning the learning sessions and have a team working on this :slight_smile: not sure if you’ve seen the Memrise Labs group, but you can toggle it on yourself and see the modes as we’re releasing them. Hopefully some of the changes we’re working on these would help with these issues!

I think the point you make about fitting in longer/non-standard content is a good one, and we’ll have to stick this in the backlog. To be honest, most courses don’t have this problem, so it’s a bit of an edge-case, but nonetheless, something that we should definitely tackle.

One bit of design advice if you don’t mind - I’ve noticed in your screenshot that you’ve expanded out the max-width of the page so it’s wider. While it’s definitely a consideration for making more use of the screen, there are studies that show that having whitespace around an important area focuses attention. Also, there’s other studies that suggest that reducing the width of chunks of text (it’s called the measure) make it a lot easier to read as the eyes don’t get fatigued going back and forth on the lines (I think it could be a problem with your heading). If you want to learn more about laying text out on a screen, there’s a great website that takes Robert Bringhurst’s Elements of Typographic Style (which is like my bible!) and applies it to the web. It’s a bit outdated in terms of CSS, but still holds true for most things!


That’s actually quite a nice feedback, thanks
I’ve tried to join the discord and it seems that the link is not working. would it be possible to have a new link?

Here: https://discord.gg/xh8Hr7 :slight_smile: