Two identical courses from the same spreadsheet showing different number of words

How is it possible that two courses from the same worksheet (same number of lines and words from the original language) to have a different amount of words? (1754 x 1750).

Does Memrise consider the number of translation words over the actual number of words in the original language or something like that ?

  1. hebrew - english with 1754 words:
    eTeacher Rosen School of Hebrew - Ulpan… - by renanpoco - Memrise

  2. hebrew-portuguese with 1750 words:
    eTeacher Rosen School of Hebrew - Ulpan… - by renanpoco - Memrise

The courses are the same, the original words are exactly the same and i scraped both and did compare line by line, level by level so the only possible explanation is related to translations column.


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