Two different German courses by memrise

I understand that memrise has created new 1 & 2 courses for various languages, including German.
I started the old one first, and was on my way finishing stage 2 when I found out about this.

But the problem is that the two courses seem to be different throughout, from stage 1 through stage 7.
Check these two versions of stage 7, for example: (342 words) (533 words)

I don’t want to do both courses at once, so I’ve considered quitting the old one. The only thing I need is someone in the know reassuring me that I won’t be missing out on anything if I do quit the old course.


P.S. Maybe the difference here is not between old and new versions, but between UK and US versions. In that case, I should rephrase the question: What is the substantial difference between the two, and why are they designed so differently?

Have you checked to make sure they’re not simply AE and BE variants? If not, then it’s hard to say. I would’ve felt like I’d majorly missed out if I hadn’t taken the old German 1 as well as the new version (old version was smaller but in many respects superior). I never bothered with German 7, having moved my learning to various other places (user courses and intermediate books, mainly), so afraid I’m unsure if you’d be missing out on anything important in the ‘old(?)’ course.

Just hover with your mouse over the “German” text folder in the top navigation bar " Courses - Languages European - German - German"

You will see the first course with the less words is from English-US.
The second one is English (= English UK).

Restructured new courses (0) 1-2 for the moment only apply to English UK base language, according to their (two) thread announcements.

Yeap, the difference is much more than just AmE-vs-BrE variants. But I imagine I’m going to opt for other resources pretty soon, like you did.

Right. That was what lead me to suspect there was nothing more to this division than AmE-vs-BrE variants.
I dunno. I’m going to do both and use the “ignore” option extravagantly to get rid of the repetitive terms. That ought to do it.