Trying to insert pinyin

How can I insert e.g.: ă (font: Arial) with the keyboard in memrise?

In MS Word for „ă (font: Arial)“ one would have to press „0103“ & „Alt+c“. I need these characters „āáăà ēéĕè īíĭì ōóŏò ūúŭù“ for a chinese course I’m trying to create.
I could obviously copy paste it, but that would be rather laborious since it is used very often.

Any ideas?

Found a solution: autohotkey

  1. Download & install “autohotkey” (it’s free).
  2. Open “Editor”. (It’s already installed in Windows.)
  3. Copy paste the script between “–begin–” and “–end–” into Editor.
  4. Save it in “Unicode” with the file extension: .ahk

How to use:

  1. Click on the AHK file.
  2. Type a/e/i/o/u + number of chinese tone
    e.g.: type “a3” --> it will change into ă
  3. If you don’t want to use it anymore, click the Esc key.

My script:

  • Instead of the two emojis, it’s supposed to be “: O2 :”/": o2 :" (without any spaces between characters).







there should be a special keyboard for pinyin in the options… maybe you could change the title of the thread to request predefined pinyin keyboard

I use this:

Thanks for the various answers. But I think I’ll stick with my method for now.

Just letting you know that a caron/háček ( ǎ, ě, ǐ) is used for the third tone, not a breve (ĕ, ă, ŏ). :slight_smile: It has a sharp tip and is not rounded like the breve.