Hi all,
Thanks for your feedback! I’ll try answer all I can in one message:
At the moment, we have made the link to this form visible in our FAQs, here in the forum and for those reaching out to Support directly regarding translation errors. We want to see how and if it works first of all before we think about putting something like this on our main website or in the app.
Regarding adding the course URL, as long as users select the correct source and target languages from the drop down lists, we will be able to locate the course and item
We can see some of you have put the course link in the details section of the form and that’s fine too!
I’ve tried playing with the settings a little on this form and it would seem you can only have the email field compulsory, and at this stage we don’t want to make users give us their email. This does mean, unfortunately, that users won’t get a copy of their report and we can’t get back to each user when they’ve reported a mistake to say it has or hasn’t been corrected. While this will save the team time (and in turn give more time to correcting errors), we understand it’s important for users to hear back. So, I am making a note of all feedback on this so we can discuss together with the Content team how to make it feasible.
Another issue with this form is that you can only have the option to see others’ responses after you have submitted your own- which will defeat the object of trying to avoid duplicate entries
Moving forward, we’ll need to see if we can find a better system for this. The good news is that since we can now sort and categorise reports more easily, it should be simple for our language specialists to spot and merge duplicates.
@DW7 No need to resubmit any of your previous submissions. These have been picked up and are being worked on over the coming weeks 
@Hombre_sin_nombre Thanks for your point regarding having many errors to submit. For now, if you have a few to report on the same course, you can put them in one report and note that you found the error in ‘multiple’.
@duaal I’ve now added a new option for error type -‘Identical/duplicate translation’. I’ve also noted your feedback on giving users an expected timeframe for a response. This will depend from language to language so it can be difficult to give this accurately, but we’ll discuss ways to improve this in the new process.
Please feel free to continue to use the forum to discuss your thoughts and ask questions! Just note that these are not being actively checked by the team for corrections currently.
If you have any more thoughts, do let us know.
Best wishes,
Memrise team