Translation Mistake: A2 Grammar Points -Level 3

Hi, the translation for “Sie Schrieben mir einen Brief” is wrong. It shoes “She wrote me a letter”. If the German is correct, the tranlation should be “They wrote me a letter”. If the translation is meant to be what it is, then the German should be “Sie schrieb mir einen Brief” (Präteritum) or “Sie hat mir einen Brief geschrieben” (Perfekt). Could you update that? Thanks.

I don’t think memrise are doing anything with these courses any more :frowning:

Is that right? The original memrise-created courses are still on the site, but they aren’t maintained?

Hi Amanda,

You’re absolutely right. The A1/A2 courses no longer show up in searches so they’re accessible to existing learners only.

The A1 and A2 courses were replaced with our shorter yet more comprehensive ‘1 to 7’ courses. These are the German ones for British English speakers:

German 1:
German 2:
German 3:
German 4:
German 5:
German 6:
German 7:

Courses 1-3 cover A1 level, 3-6 are at A2 level and course 7 is upper intermediate.

Best wishes,


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