Good evening everyone,
There is a sentence that I am not quite sure how to translate…please help!!
Раньше у нас не было валюты, не на что было их покупать.
We didnt have hard currency before (earlier), there was nothing to buy?!?!
I have a hard time translatimg the second clause…any help is appreciated. Thank you 
(Guess who's back 🤩🤩🤩)
there was nothing to buy… stores were almost empty
(trying to translate word for word)
We did not have hard currency before, (so) we had no means with which to buy them.
The meaning probably is,
We could not buy something (unnamed in the sentence) because we did not have hard currency back then.
If you provide some context, maybe I can give a better answer.
Thank you for providing me feedback. I got it now. Thanks!!