It says that هل means “question marker” in English, but it means “are, am”. I have confirmed this with a native speaking Arabic person. Please correct this, it was very confusing before I asked my friend and got it corrected for myself.
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No, this is correct. هل indicates a yes/no question, something that you can answer with yes or no—“hal anti jay’a” for “are you hungry”.
هل is used for yes/no questions
it can mean “Is, Are, am, Do, Did … etc”
هل أنت بخير؟
Are you okay?
هل هو بخير؟
is he okay?
هل أنا بخير؟
am I okay?
Do you love this site?
هل تحب هذا الموقع؟
Did you love this site?
هل أحببت هذا الموقع؟
Will you love this site?
هل ستحب هذا الموقع؟
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