Translate someelse's course


I’ve just discovered memrise through and its vocabulary course number 1.
The point is, I am not natively english, even if I am (almost) fluent, I think it would be better to learn a new language based with my native one. Would it be possible to copy someelse course and translate all the English words in French? (I can do the translation, no problem with that)


Hi @Mathieu_Roux32,

In the course list in the Memrise website, you can set your default language to French (where it says “I speak”). You can then select the Korean 1 course for French speakers. When you have started learning the course on the website, it will sync to the app version. It’s also possible to (re-)set your default language within the app version.

Here is a quick link which should take you to that version of the course:

Hope this helps.


@alanh I believe that was not the question.

@Mathieu_Roux32, correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that the point you are raising is that a user-created course can be offered for speakers of a certain language, but not for speakers of another language. For example, you could have a Korean for English speakers and not have the Korean for French speakers.

I have that issue with Hebrew. In English, there is a plethora of available courses. In French, not that many. I would prefer to learn Hebrew from French, so I’d be more than willing to translate some user-created courses that I am taking.

I also would like to have that option, to copy someone else course and than translate it to my language, even the official courses don’t have as much as the English has. I would translate courses to Hebrew.

Look here: