لدي مشكلة في خيارات الكلمات الصوتية

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته .
لدي مشكلة في البرنامج الذي اعددته وأعتقد أنه خيار يمكن اختياره ولكنه مجهول لدي وهو عندما يعطيني كلمة ويضع لها خيارات متعددة فإن الخيارات كلها تأتي بنفس الكلمة بالضبط وخاصة عند فتح البرنامج في الجوال
وبالبرنامج هو
oxford open forum :كلمات أكاديمية من سلسلة كتب
هذا هو رابط برنامجي

ومن لديه أي ملاحظات فليزودني بها
وله خالص الشكر والتقدير

You will get more replies if you write in English.

If I read your question correctly, the issue is probably that you have duplicate entries. If you have any duplicates in your course, Memrise has a bug that it gives you identical answer in the multiple choice tests.

This used to be a bug a while ago. I assume it still is now.

In my program above
When the program gives three sound options for the word they all be selected to be one vote for the same word.
I want to have three words, each word meaning is different from other
Who has the solution to this problem every thank him

You have repeated these words in your course. In other words, these are duplicates.

You cannot have duplicates in your course.

The solution is to delete the extra words. Let’s hope that works.