村上 アフターダーク

Yo, I have a university course’s vocabulary notes for little over the first half of the novel. Page by page words you might have difficult with. For my other languages, my vocabulary courses are private; my Japanese one isn’t different. But given that Murakami is a such a popular author for new readers of Japanese, I thought people here might want the files, maybe even create a public course.

Let me know!

I will be giving Murakami’s book “Norwegian Wood” the JDI treatment in a few months. This will include scanning the entire book for vocabulary frequency, creating definitions for those, and presenting in order of appearance along with the sentence it first appeared.

I don’t know if After Dark is better than Hard Boiled Wonderland, but if it is I wouldn’t mind converting that text as well. Is there a text or doc file for it?


That would be awesome. I saw you did the same for Harry Potter, and I’m hoping someone transplants that here.

Are you asking if I have the complete text of After Dark? I don’t. The vocabulary lists are in PDF form, however.

Hard Boiled Wonderland is generally thought to be one of the pillars of his works, so people would rate it higher than After Dark (confession: I’m not his Murakami’s biggest fan, but I have read basically everything in order to argue with people who write hagiographies on him). HBW is also MUCH longer than AD and would probably be more confusing for someone reading Japanese because of it’s strangeness; that is, you would probably read the sentence correctly but think you did so incorrectly because the sentence is odd.

I should mention I do have chapters 1, 3, & 5 of 1Q84 on my computer for various reasons lol. If you want to scan those and make a bonus level, I can certainly share them with you.


So I’m guessing you don’t want the PDFs? haha

Oh, sorry. No, I should be fine. Thanks for the offer.

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