Too big button on 'Learn with local' that overlaps words on the screen

In ‘Learn with local’ option there is too big button (blue arrow) that overlaps words on the screen that user should click to choose the answer. If you try to select words that are overlapped by this button, the button is clicked and app treats it as mistake because correct words were not selected yet. It’s very annoying!
My OS - Android 7.0NRD90M
Phone - Xiaomi Redmi Note 4
App version - 2.94_8067_memrise

The arrow gets in the way even when it’s not overlapping the words. I’ve accidentally thumbed it mid sentence several times now. Very annoying. In the screenshot the character ま is dangerously close. Actually, I’ve accidentally touched it simply by bringing the thumb over. I wish I could undo a misclick. I think the arrow should be repositioned elsewhere…

Have you tried scrolling down the screen?

The hidden text should become more visible.

Hm. Interesting. In the Russian course (and maybe all courses now?) the button has been changed from that circle on the right in your picture to a rectangle at the bottom. However it now overlaps with a lot of other areas. Specially where you have the puzzle like sentences, and you have to add each word to form the sentences. The problem got a lot worse!!! I´d rather have the old design back!!!

Hey, can you please send us a screenshot of the overlap?

Here are two examples. Because the button is now at the bottom the text is pushed up.

and another example