Tips for creating mems

List any tips you have here for creating mems! Let’s see if we can get a long list going :slight_smile:.

I’m currently stuck with finding a mem for a word, but I’d also like to hear the way other people make their mems.

My difficult word is lograr (spanish for “to achieve, to reach”).

To achieve/reach mastery level at something, you must log in many hours towards it.

I don’t know if there is any secret recipe to create mems, but I think that there are two points to take into account:

  • You should connect the new word to something that your brain already knows (a word, a picture, an event…
  • You should be able to remember the word quickly, which is easier if the mem is funny “or striking” for example.

Personally, I never thought that I would enjoy creating mems.
Here is the last “crazy” mem I created:

うしとら (ushitora)
艮: stopping

the cow (ushi) stopped the tiger (tora)! how brave!


in the stopping, the cow (ushi) stared at the tiger (tora). The hour of revenge is coming! she said.


the cow (ushi) and the bird (tori) stopped to take a meal together; but they didn’t invite me! (sigh)

For spanish, I often look for the word’s etymology, but sometimes when it is not that helpful, I connect it with other languages like French, sometimes Arabic or English.
For the word “lograr” I created a mem in French: Quand on réussit on reçoit des éloges

I hope this will help!


I find that strong images help reinforce a word or phrase.

In English, the Spanish word ‘lograr’ looks and sounds like ‘logger’, so I would think of a logger achieving or reaching for success in a contest and find an image to show it:


that looks like fun! : D also, for trinidad and tobago I have: trini and dad had some tobac(g)o

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Good ideas so far. I learned that verb by thinking of logging one’s steps toward achievement.

Sometimes it helps to learn a verb in context, so if I was struggling with a verb like lograr I might Google some examples
and then construct a mem including ¡Te lograste! = You did it!

Etymology helps as well - no cognate for this one, but it might have the same Latin root as lucrative, so I might include that in a mem.