It occurs to me the review timer could use a bit more intelligence. Better yet, memrise ought to let the individual user determine how much time to give to type in a correct answer.
Here’s why the current one-size-fits-all is bad. It doesn’t account for the differences in the from/to languages. If I speak French and am learning Spanish, I’m using an alphabet already familiar to me, as is the proximity of languages.
However, me, as an English speaker learning Biblical Hebrew, not only is the alphabet completely foreign, but the complexity of typing in the answer is several times that of the guy going from French to Spanish. Just to type in the Hebrew for “anything”, here are the keystrokes to type מְאוּמָה:
m (for mem or מ)
alt colon for shewa subscript
a (for aleph or א)
shift “u” (for the shurek or וּ)
m (for mem or מ)
shift a (for qamats subscript or ָ )
h (for “he” letter or ה)
So, how about it? Make the timer “settable” or more logical to the language being learned.