I am really sad to say so but honestly I was pretty underwhelmed to find the Official course useless compared to the “Hacking Turkish 1” which I tried previously.
So here’s the thing, I am writing this because I care. I rarely participate in forums at all, but I felt an urge to express my thoughts hoping to make a change.
Some months ago I when I first started learning Turkish there wasn’t any official Memrise course for Turkish. So I went with the ‘Hacking Turkish 1’.
I was pretty impressed with the hacking series even though it was made by a member and not official.
Why was I impressed?
Because THE #1 IDEA behind Memrise and what makes it unique over other apps like Duolingo is the MEMS! That’s THE DIFFERENCE that makes all the difference in the learning experience.
The mems are what makes it easy to learn a new word. These mems, these ‘stupid’ (but not stupid at all!) mems is what makes a foreign word so easy to remember.
Example : If you study the word “göreceksin” and the mem shows you a woman rejecting a man and the text shows you 'YOU WILL SEE that girls reject him" (göreceksin) this is a brilliant way to associate the word göreceksin with “you will see”.
The mem which is the emblem of the Memrise method is what makes this and all that there words so easy to learn.
The hacking Turkish 1 contained a ton of very creative images and texts creating memorable mems that are fantastic!
I decided to stop the hacking series because of just one flow, the course was incomplete In a sense that mid course the Speed Learning word no longer get worked as it said missing from this stage of something like that. The person who built the course didn’t make the option of speed learning (where you have just a few seconds to answer the quizzes) work mid course. And that’s a shame because speed recalling words is important part of the learning process.
So a few days ago I visited again the app and found that now Memrise have official Turkish course something that they didn’t have 8 or so months ago. I was so thrilled to start it.
But then I got the great disappointment. The mems for the official course are bad to the post not of being unusable and doesn’t help at all with most of the words you are trying to learn. And to invent my own mems for each and every word would be crazy, inefficient and time consuming.
I can’t believe no body mentioned this. The lack of good mems in the Official course is what makes the course ineffective and the hacking series on the other hand totally awesome!
Can the person who created the Hacking Turkish 1 etc… Fix the course so that the speed recalling of words works not just for the very few lessons but only for the more advanced lessons? That would have been the holly grail.
Frankly, at the moment comparing the Official Turkish courses that Memrise relatively recently added vs. Using Duolingo, I find doulingo a better experience, only because THE BEST FEATURE of having good memorable mems are non existent from the official Turkish Memrise course.