Testing errors

My course had errors in it. The Hebrew words had extraneous characters in some of them. I have gone through all of the course vocabulary and fixed all of them.

When taking the test some of the multiple selection answers still had the extraneous characters in them.

Can someone help me find the source of the errors?

Are you experiencing this in the app? If so, log off and log back in to receive the updated content for your course.

I have been in and out of the course several times since I made then changes. Of the 50+ changes that I made only a few are still showing the error.

Again, is this about the website or the Android or iPhone app? If not, you might be talking about the so-called phantom entries.

Sorry missed the question.

It is about the web site.


Then I’m pretty certain you’re experiencing the phantom entries. Check out this posting which describes what this is about. There’s a whole bunch of threads pertaining to this problem, you can find these by searching for phantom entries (this is the same link I posted earlier).

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Brilliant Olaf! Thank you very much.

FYI I installed Tampermonkey on my computer for the Microsoft Edge browser. The “Attempt to eliminate phantom entries” button did not display.

I tried again using Google Chrome and it worked.

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