Tapping test never work

I can never get Memrise to work with just using tapping test. Reviewing a course only prompts to write or to select multiple choice. Only time I get tested on tapping test is when I learn new words.

Would it be too much to check into this? (Cooljingle scripts no longer work either)

or all the developers fired?

  • Edit your course, then go into database view (click “databases” near the top, then select the database),
  • Hover over the column that gets tested - a pencil-icon should appear, click it.
  • A popup with the column’s properties will show up, it should have two tabs. Click the second tab (probably something like “Testing” in English, in German it’s “Abfragen”)
  • Uncheck the two checkboxes

Here’s what this looks like on my German UI:

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I have already checked this function in the course. Tapping test is checked off and they are never tested when in review mode. If I disable typing, and keep tapping on, the review will only test multiple choice. This is frustrating for long sentences that are meant to test grammar.

I’m afraid I might simply not understand exactly what problem you are having …?

Hallo Olaf,

Geil hat das Problem dass die Tapping Wort Bank Tests nicht im REVIEW Modus aktiviert sind.
Es klappt nur wenn er neue “Wörter” / Phrasen / längere Sätze lernt.
Unabhängig davon ob die “Tapping Test” deaktiviert sind oder nicht.

Cooljingle hatte offensichtlich Tampermonkey Userscripts programmiert die dafür (damals vor allen Web Portal Änderungen) sorgten dass alle “Typing Tests” in Tapping Tests - auch bei Reviews - umgewandelt wurden. Da wurden direkt die Typklassen vom Lernobjekt überschrieben bzw. umgewandelt (bsw. auch Multiple-choice nach Typing).
Nun, das funktioniert nun nicht mehr.

Auf der anderen Seite war es m.E. schon immer so dass Memrise mehr auf RECALLING Tests und Typing oder Multiple-Choice) basierte.

Von meinem GefĂĽhl her, mit 2-3 Jahren Pause, es wird ggf. nicht direkt gehen was Geil genau will dass alles wegen Grammatik Kursen nur auf Tapping Tests basiert (incl. Reviews).

No, only the first one.

The second one specifically asks if tapping tests (word banks) shall be supported by the course or not.

What are your user settings for review settings?


Have you disabled word jumbles by accident like in this screenshot?

It may help to disable the typing test priority for reviews:

Does this improve anything for your tapping course?

This is my default (both options are set to enabled):

But I don’t do any grammar community courses on Memrise (only used Duolingo for this for Portuguese) and back in 2016/17-2020 I used free typing for the Pt-Br 1-7 courses, but only with Cooljingle’s “all typing” userscript as their official courses would tend to only give multiple-choice when the phrases crossed a threshold.
Quite effective for reviews, but without any hints hardly possible (I had several userscripts running) to accomplish when a sentence van only have one correct solution (Duolingo for example had a huge list of thousands of accepted alternative answers and a forum and linked sentence discussion to ask about missing solutions).

On the mobile app I do now also get word banks / word jumbles on French 1, but I’m currently mainly in the learning mode.
Not that much (free) typing or only assisted typing with on screen letters (hints).

Newer mobile app from 2023 doesn’t exactly have all those settings like the Web:

I used a very old app version in 2016/17-2018, but only occasionally and almost exclusively to learn NEW words (half planting with only three learning steps whereas the Web has had six learning steps in one learning session).

Never liked this silly multiple choice testing approach for REVIEWS (is OK for learning mode when mixed with 1-2 typing steps of 6).
Too easy, way too many FALSE positives, wrong accuracy score.
I can understand that you want to turn that off.

Too bad all userscripts support is gone with the new web code.