"Sync" or "Reload" button please

I know that mobile synchronization is very tricky and hard to implement, in general.

But current sync implementation of Memrise-apps (both iOS and Android) is one of the worst ones. There’re a lot of people complaining the same issue, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, over the several years.

Why you smart guys do not listen?

It’s very hard to implement a proper seemless synchronization, yes, but it’s not impossible to give an appropriate user-experience for that matter.

A simple and easiest way is to put a “Reload” or “Sync” button, somewhere on the course.




Had the same idea about syncing web and app data. Needless to say that synchronization is preferred to log out+log in or clear cache procedure.


I agree! Tbh, I think it’s an essential feature to have. I don’t have any data to back this up with, but can easily imagine that the app has a huge userbase, and it’s a bit annoying that after having edited a course, we need take so many extra steps to have it show up on the app.

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