Switching from old Hiragana only course to new Kanji&Kana course

Hey friends,
I have been learning on the old Japanese courses, which only used hiragana. To my surprise, I found out today that Memrise finally also offers Japanese with Kanji and Katakana. Now I am in a dilemma, I have nearly completed all the old courses, but they all are without Kanji. I have also studied Kanji on my own, so i know many but not all. If I completely switch courses, I will lose all my progression. Memrise will not account that I already know the most of what is to be learned: the writing system, meaning, pronunciation. I do not need to relearn all words which are only Hiragana or Katakana anyway. I really hope that the is a offer to only learn the Kanji I missed out on. (And the vocab they changed, e.g てら -> お寺)

I am a pro member and I would really love to see such a thing. Also I do not want to lose my 120(118) days streak *cries* :'(

Sincerely, sirati97

I’ve seen a post somewhere, saying that memrise mods can auto-learn levels for you. I think it was last year and someone asked Lien. I don’t know if they still do it

That would work, but would not be the best solution tho. Even single levels are comprised out of words which I do not need to revisit, because they are Kana and others which I need to revise as they now contain Kanji. In addition, my whole problem words database would also not be copied over.

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What about starting a new streak but not quitting the old one?

That would require me to invest more time just for the stream and even then. If you only revise words, you will run out after a while and your streak cancels. In the end the streak should be a motivation, but the focus should be to spend time on learning the language

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Anyone knows maybe someone from memrise who can deal with this?

I ran out of real estate as well. Next I learned a Genki 1 deck (and have used a few chapters of the textbook), but I’ve just now gone through jlptbootcamp’s N5 Vocab course. It was my starting point for kanji (beyond the few kanji the prior Memrise courses gave), and I recommend it highly as it tests you both English -> Hiragana and English -> Kanji. This doubles up your initial practice and reviews of each word, and adds an additional visual memory link.

Perhaps it’s the previous work in other courses laying the foundation, but I found myself acquiring vocabulary more rapidly using the N5 Vocab. Now that I have deck down (~650 words) I’m using adding N5 Readings course to remove the English and practice Kanji -> Hiragana, and I’m looking for actual reading materials using N5 level words to put it in larger context.

I have also started learning other courses which utilize Kanji and finished most of jlptn5. Anyway, I do not like the to learn kanji->hiragana as i learn that by speaking anyway. So I just learn kanji->english

I was told that it is good to mention someone from memrise: @MemriseMatty