
Hi, I have some suggestions to using Memrise in general. It would be good if we can higlight or underline the new words/expressions in the sentence what we are studying.
Do you have some good options for this?
Thank you.

Good suggestions are always welcome.
Could you explain how it would work. Because, most entries are only one or two words, some course have sentences of, say 4 words. The new words in such sentences are usually learned right before that sentce (at least with Memrise courses I saw.)

I am a “course creator for myself”. It means I type the new sentences into Memrise and later I study it alone.
I think it would be good if I (and any other user) can higlight/underline the new words in the sentence like this:

Let’s pretend I am studying the next sentence with Memrise:
Yo [ también] trabajo en casa - I [also] work at home.

I put the new word in [ ] to see what I mean because there is no option in this chat window to use colours.
And in Memrise is the same. Do you have some good options for this?

At the moment, such a thing doesn’t exist. Unlike, say, Duolingo, where sentences are saved as sets of words, in Memrise every learning “item” is completely individual, be it a word, sentence, or picture.