Subscribed and already paid for Pro but not upgraded so far

I was psyched having upgraded to Pro and just wanted to start more of the courses after successful payment, but the interface remained the same (still with the Pro ad notification) and all the advanced courses are not unlocked somehow…

when I tried to tap on the payment button, such message
“Error: you’re already subscribed to Memrise Pro Annual”
pops out, while I just can’t continue on the new things.

Please help!!

I have also the same problem. I subscribed today and wanted to use the pro features, but keep asking me to subscribe. I got the same Error: You’re already subscribed to Memrise Pro Annual - Intro Price.

Hi @offlame - We tried to search for your email address, but could not locate an account. Please contact Memrise Support for further assistance:

Hi @StevensLion - It looks like our colleagues activated your Pro subscription this morning :slight_smile:



Same problem.

I have the same problem.