I’ve been stuck on level 2 for a couple of weeks now despite having nothing left to do and the course saying complete. Have started using Duolingo in the interim
Hi @porc3lain and welcome to the forum,
From your screenshot, I can see that you have learned (‘planted’) all of the items in Spanish (Spain) courses 1 and 2. The options shown in the yellow boxes are just Memrise’s suggested actions for you to take next ie to review your ‘Difficult Words’ in course 1 or view some ‘Learn with the Locals’ videos in course 2, by tapping on the relevant yellow box. You don’t have to do that though. Instead, you can tap on the black circle with the three yellow dots to display the options available. For example, all of the words you learned (‘planted’) in course 1 are due for review (indicated by the number next to the black watering can icon). So tap on the black circle for that course and then choose “Classic Review” for a set of words to be tested on (your settings will dictate how may items you will get in each set eg, 25, 50 etc).
When you are ready to start course 3,just tap on “Courses” in the black bar near the top of the screen and then select it from the menu. Once you have chosen Spaninsh (Spain), scroll down to see the available courses. When you learn the first item, that course will be added to your dashboard.
Hope this helps. Come back if anything is unclear.