Stuck in Russian 1-11

After passing “9 - Being Human” and “First Contact”, I get stuck with “no levels found to learn” error message, unable to proceed to “11 - Fuel Your Vocab: Food”. Overall progress is 91/237 in the top left corner.

I have done all the other chats, and they are all marked yellow as passed, except “A little about you”. I have done that multiple times, but it remains blue, which I assume is that the app is not marking it done. Perhaps these two issues are related?

I am really enjoying you app, and paying for it. It is big part of my push to learn russian, I really wish you can help me with this one?

My device is iPhone 6, and I have installed the latest iOS update.

Please help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope!

See how all the others that I have passed are marked yellow, but “a little about you” remains blue? Despite me having completed it multiple times.