It’s bad enough that the app has no way to get rid of this but the website has a little box for Always Load Mems. Then it loads them whether the box is checked or not.
Hi Wildsage, I’ve tested unticking and ticking the “Always Load Mems” with different browsers and it works as intended.
How nice for you. Does that mean no one from Memrise is going to help me?
@ Wild Sage, it’s unlikely that anyone from team Memrise will read this thread and help you, so you’ll have to work through the issue with us mere users if you want it resolved.
Joshua has kindly checked the feature is working on different browsers, and it’s working for me too so we need more information to be able to help your situation.
With the load mem’s box un-ticked do you ever see the ‘‘help me remember this’’ box on a preview or answer page?
If you’ve un-ticked the box during a session you will still see the mem’s for entries you’ve got wrong in that session, but it should stop mem’s from the following entries being shown.
If you get a word wrong or use the ‘see answer function’ mem’s you’ve created will still be shown.
If none of that helps then what browser and OS are you using for the website? Is it happening on all your courses?
Joshua is from the Memrise team. The grey shield after his name is the indicator.
Didn’t notice or know about the little grey shield, I stand corrected (and a little surprised) sorry!
No need for apologies. You´ll find a list of the Admins and Mods under the button by clicking on “About”.
You received a reply from Joshua at Memrise on this thread, so it would be a good opportunity to explain your problem clearly and provide as many details as possible.
Others (myself included) have tried the ‘always/never load mems box’ and it is working for us, so it must be a more individual problem with you. Without detailed information, no-one will be able to help further.
I received a brush off from Joshua which is why I stopped following this thread. Apparently your last comment is messaged to me because you used the @ sign or whatever.
It’s not stopping, that was my point. They never go away.
These are no mems I’ve created.
Windows 10, usually the browser is Chrome, occasionally Opera.
How many items had you learned/previewed before you tried to use ‘the don’t load mem’s’ function?
If there’s a chance you’ve been though the items and ‘chosen a mem’ by default by pressing enter to move on to the next one before trying to hide the mem’s, the ones you’ve already selected will still show up.
I’ve selected this on on every course. Some before I learned anything, some where I had been somewhere in the first lesson.
I have never chosen a Mem. And in some cases I went through every single word in preview in the first couple of lessons and intentionally checked the “Go without a Mem” for every single item. Individually
If you are seeing the ‘‘help me remember this’’ box then the mems are NOT loading for that item. so the function is working for that item.
The question is, why are they loading for other items when you don’t want them too.
This isn’t a problem I’ve seen anyone else mention before, so it’s a bit of a mystery of how and why. If you are willing, can you start learning a new course that has mem’s and see what happens. If the ‘‘don’t load mem’s’’ setting is working you should see the item and the ‘‘help me remember this’’ but no mem’s.
I’ve played around with the mem loading settings, and the only time it’s a pain and keeps showing me mem’s is when it’s an item I’ve previously been presented with and I’ve hit enter automatically to move onto the next item. The system takes it that I’ve chosen the first mem that appears, whereas I haven’t cared but just wanted to move on. But you say you’ve avoided that, so I’m at a loss.
Joshua might be able to help now there’s more information to go on if you invite him to the thread.
Started a new course. Still having the same problem.
Just started Japanese course. Auto load box was unchecked. All mems are autoloading. Still