Statistics under Groups --> Stats (for teachers)

I want to share my experience using Memrise as a teacher.

Currently available stats (Groups --> Stats) for each student are:

  • Study time
  • Number of Words learned
  • Number of Words healthy in LTM
  • Difficult Words
  • Course progress (As percentage)
  • Points (last 30 days)

As a course creator I wanted to share these stats to my students. I started just by sharing screenshots of each day, but soon I realized I needed stats that would show their daily progress in the format (per day): Time spent, New words learned, Healthy words (learned/forgotten) and Increase/Decrease in Difficult words.

So, I made an Excel file to record all students daily stats and from that data I was able to make reports on their daily progress the way I wanted.

However I’ve noticed considerable flaws in the way Stats are displayed. And that corrupts all my gathered data reports.

  • Study time supposedly only shows last 30 days (Confirmed: only 30 days are displayed). That means no reference to the total amount of the time spent to compare to (after 30 days period). It means I can’t have “Study time” in my daily reports.
  • Difficult Words only shows up to 20 words, and 20+ thereafter. Again: That means no reference to the total amount of “Difficult Words” to compare to.

Also about Points: although it says “(In the last 30 days)” - in reality points got reset to zero (my guess it’s on weekly basis, so no 30 days whatsoever).
And even if it was 30 days - there would be no way to track if student have had studied last day or hadn’t, because no reference to compare to.

Another thing I have noticed about Study time - one student had logged very long studying times on some occasions (which I know she didn’t). She is using an APP to study (not WEB). My only guess is that she hadn’t stopped her study session properly on those days, but instead just switched to another APP, or to home screen or just switched her phone off. By “properly” I mean: by pressing “Back” button and confirming exit of the learning session (which is then saved as an end to a learning session). I do understand that from developers perspective there is no way to stop the session if user has just switched out of the APP.

So, since Study time data might get corrupt, there still is a workaround to keep track of activity - just by logging points earned.

Another thing (for developers) to note: users might be studying 2 or more courses, so stats have to record and show Study time and/or Points per each course. I haven’t tested how that displays.

I think keeping record of points earned is best way to go. But not just last 30 days, it has to show record since beginning of that course.

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Hi there I just sent a email to report or materialise an example of issues with stats !
It’s not as complete as yours. Thank you for that !
I look forward seeing how it improves.

Would be a whole lot more useful for teachers if all data was in a full table, easily extractable, with all columns able to be clicked and ordered high to low for numbers or reverse and A-Z for names. With a large number of students it is more than a hassle to get any data into a useful format to analyse and aggregate at my leisure.

Good to have at least some data however. It appears memrise has gone to great lengths to stop us from removing our class data, perhaps because student data privacy is such a sensitive concern.

Can Memrise answer honestly about their concerns around student data. Is it a privacy concern or is it simply too difficult to design and host a more detailed and practical statistical presentation? Or…something more sinister perhaps?