

This course is wrong, because it uses the greek letter β instead of the german eszett ß. I can’t put the right answer and there seems to be no way to contact the creator.

Is there anything else I have to do ?

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Hallo Orikrin_Ywench

If I write the German ß instead of the greek letter, the answer is marked correct.

Or is there no German ß on your keyboard?

You could change your keyboard. Ad German in your language setting.

Or try a virtual German keyboard.


This is only one example, there are many German keyboards online.

I have a German setup but it doesn’t work when I use ß properly.

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Did you try the keyboard (five buttons actually) right under the answer form?
If this does not work, you can select this beta from the answer, copy it to you buffer and paste each time it is needed… or you can paste it from the symbol chart.

What I’m trying to say is that the greek Beta is wrong. It should not even be part of the course.

Not being able to write it is only part of the problem. Even if I could, dozens of people would still wonder why they can’t answer the test.

The difference between ß and β should be taught, and the course encourages the confusion. I don’t mind myself but this should really be corrected.

EDIT : using the symbol chart of the test doesn’t work either ; this is a beta, not an eszett.

I think it would be good if you provide the link to the course itself and tag the name of its author here.

edit: Sorry I did not see the link.
It is pretty old… @juny.ietswaart6b are you around? :slight_smile:
otherwise you need someone from the memrise staff to help. @Lien?
edit 2: I opened the course at a random place… in the level 7 it uses “ß” correctly. Maybe there are only a few mistakes in the starting levels?

I have added @Orikrin_Ywench as a contributor. You should now see the Edit Course button upon accessing the course. Clicking it will allow you to update entries so you can replace β with ß where necessary.

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Hey that’s cool. :slight_smile: I’ll work on it next time I learn some German.

Thanks ! (also, this was my first time on Memrise forums, so I’m sorry about everything I didn’t do and should’ve done :slight_smile: )

Two thousand years later.

Done !

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