Description of the issue: The Speed review starts as it should, but when I see the first question, I can only see the top two options. The other two are hidden below the bottom of the page. Normally I would scroll down, but this time I can’t. It just doesn’t let me scroll and I don’t see the two bottom options at all.
I have tried it with two different courses (one Persian, one Chinese) and the problem is the same every time. It’s only when I have lost all my hearts and get the screen that says “Game over!” when it lets me scroll down again.
I am using a Samsung tablet (when I study; right now I’m typing on a laptop since typing is much easier with it.)
A bit over a week ago I didn’t have any problems like this. Back then I could scroll normally through the Speed review excercises.
Your device make and model: I’d need some help finding out this one.
OS version: See the previous line.
Memrise app version: Wait, there are several versions? How do I see which mine is?