Speed review doesn’t let me scroll down

Description of the issue: The Speed review starts as it should, but when I see the first question, I can only see the top two options. The other two are hidden below the bottom of the page. Normally I would scroll down, but this time I can’t. It just doesn’t let me scroll and I don’t see the two bottom options at all.

I have tried it with two different courses (one Persian, one Chinese) and the problem is the same every time. It’s only when I have lost all my hearts and get the screen that says “Game over!” when it lets me scroll down again.

I am using a Samsung tablet (when I study; right now I’m typing on a laptop since typing is much easier with it.)

A bit over a week ago I didn’t have any problems like this. Back then I could scroll normally through the Speed review excercises.

Your device make and model: I’d need some help finding out this one.
OS version: See the previous line.
Memrise app version: Wait, there are several versions? How do I see which mine is?

Hi @eevakesakuu, thank you for reporting this. You can see the version of the app you have by going to the settings and scrolling to the bottom. You can update to the latest version by going to the Google Play Store.
Do you have any screenshots of this issue and could you please confirm which Samsung tablet you have? Does the issue occur if you turn your device portrait/landscape?

Looking forward to hearing from you,
Memrise team