Spambot accounts


disabling the profile bio field clearly did not do something against new fake user accounts:ех

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i have a few like that too
i say they have to block russia

i say they have to block russia

And how would that be fair for all of the learners who live in Russia? I’m one of them. My husband is also one of them.


I’ve got one:е

may I also nominate 2 accounts for deletion.
One account simply follows me and loads of other people, the second one follows the first one and also loads of other users.
They don’t seem to be active at all.
But their names kind of give it away… ^^ехе

Thank you!
(I would love to see a blocking button or a report button in the future too.)



We have not only lost profile bios informations, but I also can not follow anymore users in course dashboard (weekly/monthly) statistics.

The mouse over popup dialogs to follow users are deactivated - one of the reason probably is that those fake / spam / bot accounts were using this technique to mass-follow quite annoyingly other users “to promote” their sex sites (I do not want to see them in my user list).

I really have to copy & paste the usernames all manually and use direct http URLs to memrise user profile pages.

Another big problem on Memrise because adding a new user (follower) is not a bi-directional way, where both parties have to agree / explicitely confirm until the system shows these informations online.

Therefore the “new user creation” hole was IMHO N O T closed reliably by staff.

To do this you need: e-mail verfication, confirmation, anti-bot protection, ask manual questions, a better manual identification process, etc.)…

…besides the other 2nd problem that hackers misused some normal Memrise accounts (but that alone is NOT the problem!)

DuoLingo does the first step of verifying / confirming e-mail accounts for discussion forums.
Not sure what they will do for personal profile information changes before publication (and what if these get changed - will the user be notified or not?).

But that alone is IMHO no better protection against those created fake users at all.

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Hey, man. Thanks for getting rid of the bios!!! Unfortunately, there are still account spammers that are following people, including me.
These accounts are titled ‘www.ssexy,’ and are everywhere. It would be much appreciated if these could go, too, and also be banned from making any new accounts. If they’re here to harass people instead of learn, then they don’t deserve to be here at all.

  • Crim

See, this is what I find upsetting about these!!! Children can see this, and it’s not right. Just… don’t do things Iike this. If you think you might, stay away from the internet.

Followed me:хх

Includes a following botnet:ех

I don’t understand why this is such a big deal to some people. How often do you look at your followers list anyway, and what difference does it make if some of them have a user name with the word “sexy” in it? The word itself isn’t offensive, is it? Weren’t the songs “I’m Too Sexy,” and “Da Ya Think I’m Sexy” at the top of the charts and broadcast dozens of times a day over the public airwaves for weeks and months on end to general audiences? Did you call up the radio stations and complain that hearing the word “Sexy” was disturbing to you?

Why do you want Memrise to tie itself up in knots and lock down everything just so that you won’t be offended by seeing the word “sex” in print?

We don’t want the staff to ‘lock down everything.’ Besides, it’s not just the word, there are links to inappropriate websites, and I know for a fact that children use this website, and shouldn’t be exposed to that kind of stuff. At least, with music, there’s a little something called Radio Edit.

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@I_love_new_words Apology, I am new around here. What do you mean by cheater? How can you cheat on Memrise???

Maybe I’m naive, but isn’t the goal to learn? And you can’t cheat learning…

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Errrr… I frequently get 8 000 points per 10 minutes…

-Simon Périgny

“La force naît de l’adversité et des souffrances.” -Paul Ohl

“Ce que tu as la force d’être, tu as aussi le droit de l’être.” -Max Stirner

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Hi, another spambot account is they have followed too many ppl and has created many various “cheat courses” in the past. Please terminate his account @Lien @Joshua

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What constitutes ‘too many’ people? 100? 1000? 10,000?
And what is defined as a ‘cheat course’? And who is harmed by it? Against which rule?

Besides, possibly, the person has done also legitimate learning, and deleting the account would delete also that legitimate progress. Imagine that they closed your or my account because they didn’t like how studied, while we have never harassed anybody!

I think ‘cheating’ (whatever it may be) is senseless and pointless, but closing an account for that perceived reason even more so.


Thanks for the heads up.
Having had a close look at the account, I’m confident it’s genuine.
Rather than a spambot, it appears to belong to a (bored) student.
Speak soon,

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had 2 such accounts following me

I have these following me:

But they actually don’t do any harm anymore since the bio fields are removed.

Ok then @Lien better to be safe than sorry :wink:


I found another spambot it is @Lien can you look into this account