Spacebar glitch in immersion mode

For the first time today, I had access to the new immersion videos in the Memrise-curated courses (for Italian, in my case) --side note: I don’t have a Pro subscription, so is it a glitch that I was seeing these videos in the first place? I hope not, because they are quite fun.

Anyways, the glitch I am experiencing is that whenever I hit the space bar, it plays the audio from one of the videos, and not necassarily corresponding to the sentence I’m currently on. This is very frustrating, since so many of the “words” in these courses are multiple words and require the use of the space bar.

(I am using Memrise in Firefox web browser.)

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As a free Memriser you’ll see some video’s, but you can’t access the sessions with only video’s (aka Meet the Natives)
That space bar bug sounds very annoying. @Joshua will chase it asap.

Awesome, thanks so much for taking the time to reply!

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Im not quite sure what the problem is. I’ve tapped the space bar and it does nothing.

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Ok, it isn’t happening all the time. Could have been a one-time glitch. I’ll keep my fingers crossed it doesn’t continue to happen.

Thanks for letting us know, hopefully it doesn’t. :innocent:

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Hi—I’m actually still experiencing this glitch. It seems to be occuring mostly after when I have clicked to replay a video earlier in the learning session. I did a screen capture of it happening but it seems like I can’t upload that file type here. If it would be helpful to your team, I can find a way to upload it elsewhere and send you the link.

I’m still seeing it. I also used CTRL-space to replay a video in the lesson before.
it’s very very frustrating. For now I used to copy-paste al spaces I needed.

Me and my roommate experience the same thing. Not always, but almost. @Joshua: The glitch happens in all text input fields that come after a “Meet the Natives”-style video clip. Hitting the space bar just doesn’t take, there is no space between words when I hit the space bar, instead hitting the space bar seems to trigger the audio of the last video clip.

It is the same in different courses, on different computers (Mac and Windows), in different browsers (Safari for Mac, Chrome for Windows), with current Flash Player enabled and caches emptied.

For now I’m using the same workaround as @geertendekruijf… please don’t let that be necessary for long.


I experience the same problem.

Course: Spanish (Spain 1)
Browser: Firefox 49.0

At first, all is fine, then after a while, probably - as mentionned above - after playing some of the videos, spacebar replays an audio from one of the videos and doesn’t add the spacebar to the text field currently displayed. Browser restart seems to solve the problem, but then after some more videos it reappears.

It is very likely that the problem is somehow connected with the videos because I have never experienced it in any other courses not containing videos.

Please help us, Memrise fairy! :slight_smile:

Same problem here, with Firefox 49.0.1.
Additional note: Two day ago, the problem went away after I finished the learnng session - i.e. when I was doing a Reviewing sessions right afterwards, the space bar worked normally again.

To help us reproduce, could you please give us some example of the words and their corresponding courses?

I am new to Memrise. Beginner French. Cannot use the keyboard space bar when using the website/browser on “á bientôt” and “au revoir”. It replays the previous audio, but will not produce a space so the typed word is always wrong. Very frustrating. However, the space “button” on the mobile app does work. I appreciate the comment about about cutting and pasting as that is the only way that I can input these words in the website/browser version. It does remove the benefit of repeated review as you just copy/paste the same word you have saved on notepad.

I have the same problem, so far with the following courses:

Seems to be a problem connected to “Meet the locals”. It binds an audio file to the spacebar, but doesn’t unbind it properly sometimes. I usually want to move on to the next question as quick as possible, so it might have to do something with going to the next question before a running action is finished.

Using Firefox 50.0.1 on OS X 10.12.2.

For other people experiencing this problem: you don’t have to restart the browser, just reload the page. You can also use slashes instead of spaces if you’re almost done with the exercise. For example, if you have to enter “How are you?”, Memrise will accept “How/are/you” as a correct answer.

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I just started using Memrise yesterday and have already experienced this bug at least a few times. I’ve had the problem with the official Memrise Spanish (Spain) 1 and Spanish (Spain) 2 courses. I’m using Safari on a Mac.

The first time I had the problem, it was in the Spanish (Spain) 1 course and the space bar was playing the sound from the video on the prior screen/question. When I encountered the bug one time this morning, it was in the Spanish (Spain) 2 course. I don’t remember what the word/phrase was, but this time the space bar wasn’t causing audio to play – it was just that nothing happened when I pressed the space bar.

I hope this problem can be fixed soon!

It just happened to me again in the Spanish (Spain) 2 course, and this time I can tell you which question it was. I was asked to type in Spanish the translation of “what would you like to eat?”, so I’m supposed to type “¿qué quieren comer?”, but after I type “¿qué” and then press the spacebar nothing happens and the space won’t be “typed”.

Edit: I should also add that once the problem occurs in a particular session (learning new words), the problem continues for the remainder of the session and I can’t type any spaces. (I can paste spaces as someone suggested above, but that’s a real pain. My normal workaround to the issue has been to save and quit the session, then restart it. Maybe at some point I’ll try refreshing my browser as someone suggested.)

This happens frequently to me. Can confirm that in the latest occurence the audio getting repeated was that of a video I had previously refreshed by clicking on it.

Unfortunately, bug is still there.

Course: German 3
Browser: FF 52.0.2, FF 53.0
OS: Mac OS X 10.11
Screen recording:

When I pressed space bar after “der” in “der Morgen” playback of audio track of previous video had triggered and no space character had been placed in the text field.

Same symptoms are observed with Safari Version 10.0.3 (11602.

I am experiencing this glitch today as well. I’m a pro user, and I just started the German I course ( The space bar would not work after the videos with natives. I’m on a MacBook (OS 10.12.4) with Safari (10.1 (12603.