Something that the mobile version does better

I don’t know if this is the right place for this kind of post but I want to know your opinion on the Difficult words section. The web version is basically the same thing as the classic review, but on mobile it does things so much better. I know it’s a common thing to hate on mobile, but hear me out.

To see how, we have to first establish the types of memories that we possess : short term, long term and working memory. Chances are you know what short and long term means, but what about working memory? It acts like sort of a bridge from short to long term memory, basically if it didn’t exist we wouldn’t have learned this efficiently.

Now, the problem with working memory is that it only has so much information that it can pack all at once. And this is where the web version fails, 20 words is way too much to review all at once, not to mention that you only see them once per session. On the other hand, the mobile version offers only 4 words and forces you to juggle them with 3 different exercises, this is more efficient because you see fewer words for longer periods of time, which is the perfect dose of information for our working memory.

So in short, if you’ve got Pro on, I highly encourage you to check out the mobile version and see the results for yourself. It has helped me a lot. Hopefully the web version will have something similar in the future.


That is true! I have never understood why ‘Difficult Words’ on the web is basically an all-typing review… and that while it is a paid feature (or does the web not differentiate between ‘paid’ and ‘non-paid’ features? I wouldn’t know, since I got Pro early on). I can’t understand why the order on the web can’t be the same as on the App, especially because all these tests an algorithms are already available in the normal review and learning modes.

One thing I do like about the web’s ‘Difficult Words’ though is, that I can use it as a ‘pre-test’.
In case I actually do know the word, it’s good to have that typing test. Actually, trying to find a word you don’t know (very well), and have learned before, does enforce somehow the memory paths in your brain.

So in my opinion, the Difficult Words algorithm should work like this:

  1. Typing test → if pass, the word is apparently not difficult, so remove from list.
  2. If wrong, present the correct answer and follow the current (Android) App’s test-pattern for Difficult Words.
  3. Repeat (1.) at least so often that four difficult words remain. I.e. if you have a word correctly, another item from the Difficult Word list should be presented, so that there are always four words to jumble in the test (unless the number of Difficult Words is depleted of course)

This could be a [Feature Request], for App and Web. Would you agree?


Yes, I agree, though I see it as unlikely to happen. Memrise, as a lot of other programs, does cater to mobile users, which is counterproductive seeing as people like the web version more. Best solution for me is to look up the Difficult words tab next to the Levels tab, go through words that I know and delete them from the difficult section. Then I can actually start learning what remains on my phone.

I agree entirely. I feel like I am learning when I use the app and I get really frustrated with the website version of Memrise. I would use my phone all the time but it drains my battery (not the app, just drains because it’s in use). Plus, it’s time consuming to write on the app and my phone’s keyboard constantly gets in the way of the Memrise ‘keyboard’ if I need to edit. Thus, the webesite is really good for speed but not great for working memory.

What I also love about the Difficult Words on the app is that I can see the letters so if I get stuck I can quickly look up to get the letter I am stuck on*. My memory just isn’t good enough to see a word and remember it instantly, plus letters get jumbled up (I’m dyslexic). Thus, the app version of Difficult Words is great for helping me.

*Edit: What I meant by this bit is, on the app version of Difficult Words I cover the word with my hand. That way I’m relying on what I’ve heard to spell correctly, if I get stuck - which is often - I slightly move my hand to see where I have gone wrong and then I correct.

Well, to be fair, I think most of us can’t remember words instantly, so don’t worry about that. It takes me about a month of constant reviewing to get a certain word done, sometimes it never is “fully learned”, that’s why the Difficult words section is a thing.

Aye, that is it. I think most can’t learn the word instantly but the impression I get is Memrise expects you to. Thus, I think you make a really good point about Difficult Words on the app.

Reading my post back I see that I’ve missed a key part out! What I meant about the app version of Difficult Words is that I cover the word with my hand. That way I’m relying on what I’ve heard to spell correctly, if I get stuck - which is often - I slightly move my hand to see where I have gone wrong and then I correct. I find learning letter by letter not only helps me get the spelling right but I’m bit by bit building the structure of the word in my mind. If I just see the word I don’t absorb it enough (usually because of the annoying timer on the website) and I’m then just passively learning.

I like the web version of Memrise better. The review algorithm is more intense, and you can “fully learn” a word within a week.

I agree with you, the reviews are way better. I was talking solely about the “difficult words” section.