I’m sorry, I’m horribly frustrated. I did not plan on spending a day just to resolve a memrise pro subscription issue. WHY can’t I just contact Memrise? We pay for it, and I have an issue. I don’t even know how to add to a conversation that I’ve searched on. I don’t want to spend ANY time in this community, I just want to get my husband’s subscription working again.
He has a Memrise Pro subscription that I got for him Apr 15, 2017 for 1 year, Order ID MLQY8242FK. I contacted the Apple people since it said, “Have a problem?” and got an email saying it was an issue I needed to resolve with Memrise. So, try to reach them. IMPOSSIBLE. I HATE companies that don’t make it easy to find them. If we didn’t already like the app, I would definitely cancel. But I’m giving it one last try. My husband was able to use Memrise Pro until he lost his phone in Nov 2017, new iphone Dec 2017. Since then Memrise keeps trying to get him to buy it, and he has no access to the PRO functionality. How to we transfer his subscription to his new phone? When I get into his app on his phone, I can get to a place that says something like “RESTORE PURCHASES” and when i click on it i get nothing. WTF. If there’s anyone out there that has any idea what I might do, PLEASE HELP!!