[SOLVED] Course editing not showing all columns?

Course editing is not showing all columns all of a sudden, i.e. since yesterday. When editing a course it is only showing the Target Language, English, and Audio columns. There are 3 other columns which are missing but they are there in the database still when I edit the database. Is this a known problem and is anyone working on it? It is an essential way in which I work on courses. This is happening in all of my courses, but here is one as an example:


How does one actually get a response from someone at Memrise??? This is really rather frustrating. Any suggestions? Perhaps I’m posting this in an incorrect place?

@memrisematty - Are you now in charge of support? Can you please look at this issue, it is very frustrating!

Do you have any userscripts that you’re using? I just checked on a course that I’m a contributor on (this one), and it shows all seven columns, both in the database and in the course levels.

Also, which browser are you using?

@neoncube - no, I’m not using any scripts at all. And I’ve tried with both Firefox and Safari. Perhaps some setting has been changed somewhere of which I’m not aware? I haven’t knowingly changed anything.

[update] - I just looked again and there is a checkbox to ‘show attributes’ that was un-checked!! Although I have no recollection of having touched it. :frowning: But, obviously I did. So, thanks for your response, as it prompted me to look again and now I can see all of the columns when editing.

Cool! Glad I could help :slight_smile:

Would you mind adding “[Solved]” or something to the title of this topic, so that other people know that it’s solved? :slight_smile: