Why isn’t there a chat in the groups? I personally think that groups are wasted if they’re only for competitive purposes. Are there plans to add chat to the groups?
I think that nowadays, forum threads can replace group chats. You can just set up a thread for your group and direct people there. If the Memrise guys were thinking about it at all (which I kinda doubt), that might be what they were thinking as well. We also didn’t have any kind of PM system before these new forums, they were just avoiding the whole “let people talk to people” issue.
A sensible reply. It’s gotten me interested in creating an alternative to the lack of chat. Adding a link to your own forum in the group description. I’ll get to work on that! Thanks!!
An alternative option is to make a group private message for your group. If you’re a certain rank on this forum you’ll see an “Invite” button at the bottom of threads and private messages.
You could also try something outside Memrise. Reddit perhaps or some free forum.
risgrynsgrot’s suggestion is probably best though.
I’m thinking about using my own forum, since I have control over the organization of it. Not having to dig for old threads, sections for sub-categories etc.