[Site Feedback] "THANK YOU" to all the Forum Moderators or Regulars!

Weā€™ve been on this new Community Forum for a few weeks now, and the dynamics of its growth has been fun to experience and to watch. The vast majority of us are casual (or sometimes recurring) participants, whose sole object is to post comments or questions we have, or read the responses of other similarly minded participants. I think this has worked out well so far.

There are however a handful of people who are Forum moderators or Regulars (or whatever your titles are) and they are the ones who are keeping this Forum on track (when we get sidelined) on point (when we go down endless rabbit holes) in order (when our random postings or topic titles could lead to future issues) and professional (when we get overly emotional).

These folks, whoever they are, are the unsung champions of this Forum. They give freely of their time, efforts, energy and attention so that the Forum is a nicer place to visit and a more logical destination in our time of need. Maybe it is time we show these folks a little love. :heart_eyes:

I hope I am not speaking for myself only (and I donā€™t think I am) but I hope this ā€œTHANK YOUā€ for your efforts is well taken. Much of what you do is not visible to the casual observer. No one sees your countless hours slumped before the computer; or the frustration of your wanting to do something that could be beneficial to others but not having the tools or the authority to make it happen. You get the blame (or at least the venting) from others when decisions are made that are not always pleasant, and you canā€™t always get away with the 'donā€™t shoot me, Iā€™m only the messenger" logic with ones who donā€™t want to listen. But you all do a GREAT ā€œjobā€, and I hope you can sense it. If you all didnā€™t have an interest in the success of BOTH Memrise and the its users, I donā€™t think you would be exerting the efforts on both of their interests that you are.

So, bottom-line is ā€œTHANK YOUā€ for all you do, and ā€œTHANK YOUā€ for making the Memrise experience a bit more tolerable and illuminating. We are all in this together, but some like yourselves, are in a bit deeper than others, and that is commendable.

If anyone reading this agrees with any of what I have said, please give the Forum Moderators and Regulars (or whatever their titles are) a big shout out. Just reply with whatever your heart tells you to share. I think that would be wonderful, and I think they would appreciate it.

Finally - is there a list somewhere of who the Moderators or Regulars are ? We see posts from so many folks, but I for one, have no idea who is who in terms of Forum authority (although I do have an inkling).

Thank you, againā€¦:smiley:


Iā€™d also like to thank everyone whoā€™s currently laying the groundwork for this new forum. Iā€™ve mostly been in ā€˜lurkerā€™ mode over here so far, but I think itā€™s coming along nicely, and Iā€™m looking forward to jumping in later on.

Thanks, guys! :slight_smile:


You will find details of the Admins and Mods by clicking on ā€œAboutā€ in the drop down menu:

Most of the gratitude for pointing people in the right direction and tidying-up when things get put in the wrong places should go to @Arete_Hime and @DW7 who have been busiest in helping people find their feet in this new improved forum. You can see which users have the different ā€œTrust Levelsā€ operated by this forum by clicking on ā€œBadgesā€ and scrolling down to ā€œTrust Levelā€, then clicking on the various badges to see an expanded explanation of what people can do.


Hi @pdao, @alanh & @TinyCaterpillar

Firstly thank you - we are trying to build up the community and help.

Secondly, the way I find out who is who is by clicking on their name (expand their description if you wish) and the bottom line gives their stats including their ā€˜statusā€™.

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Thanks @alanh

You will find details of the Admins and Mods by clicking on ā€œAboutā€ in the drop down menu:

I hadnā€™t tried that one although I have explored the one that gives the definition of each trust level.

Thanks @DW7 and @alanh. I took a look at the Badges and About sections and they provided what I was looking for in terms of who is who. A lot of other stuff in those areas as well. Thanks again. Have a good day (or night) !

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It is getting a bit difficult to keep an eye on everything as the growth of the forum is so fast. But with the little time I have. I try to keep things easier to the lurkers :wink: @TinyCaterpillar.

I am sure this active community can look after itself quite well. Thanks for the appreciation.

As a beta-tester, it is hard to know at what level of the experience the regular users are but we feel for you as the site has gone through some changes and we went through them before you.

I am a great believer in this process and keen to keep everyone satisfied with the forum and the whole experience.


Thanks :slight_smile:

Here are the leaders, regulars and Memrise staff. At the moment leaders and regulars are users chosen by staff. In a while if some users are very active they might become regulars that way.

Iā€™ll assume the impetus for this topic was this:

Iā€™ve decided to stop or drastically reduce housekeeping because Memrise has not met my minimum requirement of responsiveness. Also as I have been most active in housekeeping I have prevented others from stepping in and learning how to do that, so Iā€™m now giving them the opportunity to do so.

And I think we should have many leaders or regulars, so I invite Memrise to ask more users if they would like to become that. The majority of the regular posters here I think would qualify. I personally have nominated @Rodyzi, @Onesmy and @TinyCaterpillar for example a while back


Hey, thanks for the nomination, @Arete_Hime! :smile: Iā€™m flattered.

Iā€™d be happy to help out as I can, once Iā€™m a bit more adjusted. I served as a moderator for a while on another fairly active forum in the past, so I think Iā€™d be able to figure out the basics quickly enough if they decided to add me.

The way we handled things there was the different categories of topics were divided between the moderators. A couple of users would manage one category, one could manage a smaller category, and some of the more active users would manage multiple categories. I wonder if Memrise/the community would see any merit to this approach as the forum grows?


@Arete_Hime - from what I have seen going on in this Forum (with your name attached to SO many postings) you have gone above and beyond what others may have expected, or undertaken themselves. It is good that you step back for awhile and share (or offload) responsibilities with others. There are many qualified existing leaders already, and the names of those you nominated for potential leadership seem likewise qualified, so take a breather, and let others take care of the ā€œhousekeepingā€ chores, or anything else a leader is expected to do. It is always best for others to learn by doing, rather than watching. So let them learn.

(And yes, your recent post was the final impetus for my wanting to post the note of thanks. It was in my brain to want to write it for a few days, but the urgency came with your posting. Thanks are thanks, regardless of the timing or the impetus.)


Hi [quote=ā€œTinyCaterpillar, post:9, topic:1240ā€]
The way we handled things there, was the different categories of topics were divided between the moderators.

I think what is happening here, is people are choosing which items interest them.

And yes your help would be welcomed.

Hi TinyCaterPillar,
It would be great if you would like to help out once youā€™ve settled in a bit. I have updated your status from ā€˜Memberā€™ to ā€˜Regularā€™ = Trust level 3. More info here: https://meta.discourse.org/t/what-do-user-trust-levels-do/4924/6
Let me know if you have any questions. I hope you enjoy it :smile_cat:

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Thanks, @Lien! Iā€™ll do my best to help! :smile: And thanks, @DW7 for the support!

I guess Iā€™d better start trying to familiarize myself more with the different categories and posting rules. :slight_smile:


I do agree with you wholeheartedly