[Site Feedback] points farmers, cheaters

When this extremedream will be banned?


Step 2 days, 10 hours and can make 1,000,000 points. The “magic” in a few hours, is over 4,000,000.


Memrise gave up on chasing cheaters because what is cheating? Does repeatedly restarting a course count as cheating?

Someone having 200kk points and 6k words learned seems ridiculous to me, but maybe he really farmed those points.

Memrise should really hide the global leaderboard again (or perhaps convert it to words learned, rather than points earned). If people need point motivation, hopefully the individual course leaderboards should suffice since learning is done at the course level. There’s probably not much incentive to those with less than ethical intentions to top a particular course leaderboard since the “prize” seems to be the global leaderboard. Individual course leaderboards are not visible to the community at large whereas the global one is.

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Then I will give up being a paying user of the site as well.

Is not it.

It is impossible to make the amount of points he makes in such a short time.


chase your own goals, not someone elses. That guy has his reward which are pointless points. If you have gained a language, you have yours. Gauge your own points in the number of courses you complete if need be or join a study group.


Unless you spend all day every day reviewing and learning you will never get to the top of the global leaderboard anyway. The best you can do is follow a few people who earn about the same number of points as you per week and try to keep up. Don’t use the global leaderboard, use your personal leaderboard, it’s what all the cool kids do.


When this extremedream will be banned?


Step 2 days, 10 hours and can make 1,000,000 points. The “magic” in a few hours, is over 4,000,000.



He is not stealing.

Of course I pursue my own goals but would like to be in a “healthy environment” and not with many cheaters around me.

super honest.


I do not want to get on top of anything. I want the “crime” not worth … That’s it.

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he’s standing there with his 4,175,000 points. In a little while the “magic honest” comes and goes to 8,350,000.

I have followed the study ronzez, for example, and see the dedication and perseverance to reach the top and comes a dishonest and in a few days will steal your position.


Yes, but as it has been already stated: the value that is provided by site is in the learning. The points are basically pointless. Being atop a leaderboard via anything but honest methods is a hollow victory and has zero value in the eyes of those who value the determination and effort it takes to earn it justly, and also, because the value is in the personal growth and development which was not gained.

Also, the individual is seeking attention, which a discussion such as this would deliver to them. Cast their achievements no limelight and then the true reward that is sought (attention) will not be forthcoming so the process loses value even for them.

My 2c … :slight_smile:


I don’t really have a problem with it. The global leaderboard is hidden anyways unless you have the url to it.

I don’t personally care much about the global leaderboard and I have no idea whether any cheating goes on. I agree with the ones who say that there is no actual gain in being on top of the leaderboard in itself - the gain is in learning. That said, however, in principle, Memrise should either care about the leaderboard or not. If Memrise finds a value in the global leaderboard, be it as an incentive for users to be active, a reason for users to get a pro membership or as a marketing tool to show the success of Memrise, then Memrise should also find a value in having the leaderboard be accurate and free of cheaters (again, not saying there are any cheaters). If Memrise doesn’t find value in the leaderboard, then by all means, hide it from view.

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absolutely agree. I give a dirty darn about leaderboards, but memrise pushed already gamification that far…

and if memrise presents one with leaderboards on virtually every page, then take care that the leaderboards are accurate. If not, take them out.

Wow … He already has 9,381,226 points this week.

IS A THIEF brazen.

Uau… Ele já está com 9.381.226 de pontos nessa semana.


Another bandit.

5,000,000 and had little in the month in http://www.memrise.com/course/250016/learn-italian-for-polyglots-no-typing/leaderboard/ course

He has done almost no point in the week and “magically” is with 7,663,154 points.

My signature is to finish and leave memrise already warned that I WILL NOT RENEW and probably seek other alternatives.

Outro bandido.

Tinha 5,000,000 e pouco no mês no curso http://www.memrise.com/course/250016/learn-italian-for-polyglots-no-typing/leaderboard/

Não fez quase nenhum ponto na semana e “mágicamente” está com 7,663,154 de pontos.

Minha assinatura está para vencer e já deixo memrise avisado que NÃO IREI RENOVAR e provavelmente buscarei outras alternativas.

There is a long history of cheaters on Memrise.

One year ago, I tried to stop that as well. Nothing changed.

You are wasting your time.

Cheaters were banned if they had gotten 2 billion points. It also helped if they had created 10 accounts with similar nicknames.

This user probably will get banned or have their points deducted as they have over 200 million points

I think some of the Memrise staff may be on holiday, so it may take some time.