[Site Feedback] Issues with Early Access

Thank you for asking for feedback on Early Access before discontinuing Classic. I am having 3 issues with Early Access. First, Early Access is not testing me on the majority of words I’ve learned in Classic. Upon switching to Early Access, it showed that I had learned 54 words when I had actually learned 379 words. That is a huge disappointment and set-back. Secondly, I did one speed review in Early Access and then it would not allow me to do another one. In Classic, I repeat reviews back-to-back which is what I need in order to learn. Thirdly, I had expected the Immerse section to correspond to the words in the Learn section, but they don’t go together. It would be more helpful to me for the two sections to coincide. In conclusion, the review section omitting the majority of my learned words, the inability to do many reviews a day, and the Immerse section not coinciding with the Learn section are making the experience less than ideal for me.

I have raised a bug on the progress, as that should have synced across all your words,

In Early Access we try and only encourage reviews when words are ready to review (as we want to encourage people to go beyond reviewing vocab by immersing themselves in video or putting language to use with the Membot), which is why you won’t be able to trigger unscheduled reviews from the homepage. But if you want to practice a specific scenario you can go to the completed section and trigger a review of any scenario by clicking on it.

The words in Immerse are linked to Learn, the counter that tells you how many words you’ve learned so you can watch videos at the right difficulty for you. If you mean we should recommend videos based on what you’ve just learned then that’s something we will get to in the future.

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Thank you for raising the bug issue. My progress from Classic still hasn’t synced to Early Access. Should it be synced by now? I’ve also sent an email to the Memrise team.

I wanted to use Early Access a little more before responding to your post. I used your instructions to find how to trigger a review from the scenarios. The number of keystrokes required is prohibitive. There are 4 keystrokes from Home to get to a review of about 10, and sometimes less, words. Then you’re taken back to Home where you repeat the keystrokes for another 10 words or so.

I am a slow learner and need the repetition that comes with numerous reviews. The Immerse and Communicate sections aren’t helping me learn those words. I’m afraid that I’ll have to start making flash cards! I’m also not seeing how the scenarios in Spanish (Mexico) remotely correspond to the official lessons in Classic. I’ve been enjoying those lessons and was looking forward to the lessons ahead.

I was so happy with (the old) Memrise that I purchased a lifetime membership last year. It has been hard for me to see these changes. I’m trying to be flexible and appreciate how Immerse and Communicate will help. But please, at least keep the ability to trigger unlimited reviews and, of course, find a way to sync progress to Early Access.


I’m not sure if it’s because I quit the Memrise German courses after I completed them due to the number of classes I had in my Dashboard being unwieldy, but Early Access thinks I have only learned 300-something words in German (which, if that’s the case, just kill me now and be done with it). Maybe that’s why there is such an overwhelming number of things to choose from in the learning section, all of which seem to be largely too simple. Is it supposed to look like this? I can’t tell if the colors of the scenarios mean anything, or if it’s just giving me all of this not very relevant (seems to be mostly A1 and A2) content. It feels all over the place.

I can see the benefit of the videos, but I don’t need or really have time to watch videos of people saying “hello, how are you?” You could really, really stand to add a test out feature that filters out this stuff, or even just a means to filter the content by level. As of now, though I am trying to be open about this, it’s just too chaotic. The MemBot feature is very useful, but running any of the scenarios and videos just feels like cutting back high grass. Maybe this would improve if Early Access knew I actually know thousands of words in my target language, but if it only acknowledges the Memrise official courses as learned content (and only the ones we stay in), then this is probably never going to be a useful tool for me. (And shouldn’t it know I learned it even if I quit the course after? It stores progress even on courses you have left, in my experience.)

You have said at difference instances that Classic Memrise will always stay its own thing, and that you will make sure to work out the bugs before making Early Access mandatory. These are conflicting statements as far as I can tell. Would you please clarify what you mean by “making it mandatory,” and if you are, indeed, planning to leave Classic Review as is? Thank you!

It may be better to try this for a new language just to really see how it plays. It’s just that there are dozens of perfectly good sites for beginner level, and so little for people who aren’t starting from scratch. That’s why I spend so much time on here, specifically because I don’t have to wade through hours of beginner content.

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The count is currently wrong for existing users (it only counts words from scenarios in completed or in progress scenarios which for existing users will be missing a good chunk) and will be removed soonish until we can have it include all words.
The colours mark which scenarios are for pro users, which will also be removed soon for those who are pro as it is confusing if you never saw free on early access.
We are working on removing easy scenarios for users who were on intermediate on classic, which will be in place before we push Early Access out more forcefully.
Early Access will be mandatory for the learning of content made by Memrise. Classic will be for Community courses only.


That’s all great news, thank you!

The real problem isn’t the counter. The problem is that the completed scenarios don’t include what was already completed in Classic’s Memrise official courses; so, there’s no way to continue reviewing learned words. The review sessions aren’t including them either.

Per an email from the support team, they synced my progress; however, nothing changed. I’m using the web with Windows 10, so it’s not an app glitch.

I’m starting to think that because the Spanish (Mexico) scenarios don’t adequately correspond to Classic’s official course levels, there will be no way to show competed scenarios that correspond to user’s Classic official completed course work. If that is the case and I cannot continue reviewing what I’ve already learned, then to use PollyWalnuts phrase, “just kill me now and be done with it.”