[Site Feedback] Forum bugs?

What are useful tags – other than the languages?

If we let users tag their posts, the most popular tags would surface and we’d know what’s useful. But right now I think the system is broken. I was able to choose tags for my posts in the first week, but I can no longer do it.

Anyone now able to create new tags again? I have no new info. There are now some more ‘members’, maybe they can do more than ‘basic members’.

I just tried but it seems that Trust level 2 is not enough to create new tags. Or maybe I’m doing something wrong, but when I try to type a new tag in the tag field, I obtain a “no match found” message. If I’m not doing anything wrong, the other members should also be in the same case, and we “just” have to wait until some users become “Regulars” before testing that again…


Same here, and I am a “Member” too.

I still cannot create tags for my posts.

I just gave it a try and seem to have been successful in adding a tag for “Geography”. I couldn’t see a way to do it for an individual post but it let me add one for a topic I created.

Looking at the expanded definitions of the Trust Levels, I can’t see anything which limits the ability to add tags.

I’ve also had a look at the “Discourse - About” page, which describes the forum features, and had a poke around in the “Discourse Sandbox” but couldn’t find anything there either.

It also looks like I could add a tag to this thread. By clicking on the edit pencil after the category title, the following box opened:

It could be that this is a parameter that was changed by the Memrise team. It seems that most of the parameters are adjustable to the needs of the company using Discourse forums, so this is probably one of these. This would also explain why people could apparently create new tags at the beginning but lost that ability a few days later.

Yes, It could be that. In which case, they should have told us so that we don’t waste our time. :unamused:

Bumping this thread so someone from Memrise can see it and tell us what’s up with tags.

Did we ever figure out where the right place to post about forum bugs is?

Can you give examples?

And see this topic on how to give site or forum or app feedback, among other things:

Web Bugs if they’re bugs. General Discussion I’d say with the prefix and tags given in the linked topic if it’s feedback.

Examples of problems with the forum software? You can see one example right here in this post - not being able to make tags. We’ve seen a few other posts about problems with the forum. I have another one now but I’ll make it a separate post.

We ought to have a category for forum bugs, or an explicit declaration that “web bugs” is not just the memrise web site but also this forum site.

Can the new regulars (@sifushano, @pdao, @Hydroptere, @TinyCaterpillar) create new tags? (but please first look here to see if a good existing tag isn’t already available, and please think before you make the tag to make sure it makes sense; better to have a few good ones than many bad ones.)

I think I am able to create new tags. But I don’t really know: when I type in a tag, I have no indication other than the number of occurences of a tag… when I see “x1”, how should I know if this counts my own typing in of a tag, or the previous use of the same tag…

When the tag already exists you’ll see something like indonesian x2, as a search result under the input field. When it doesn’t you’ll not see the x2. You’ll only see my-new-tag, which you can then click to use.

You can try it with this topic. Create the tag with an edit, and then delete it again.

I probably can: I doubt that “vengeance” or “already” or “avellana” were tags…

Yes, the capability to tag and recategorise became apparent as soon as I attempted it – so I backed away quietly from my test in the production environment and no tagged and recategorised posts were unnecessarily created that day … :slight_smile:

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I just tried adding a “test-tag” tag to this thread, and it seemed to work. It was added to the universal list of tags, then removed from it once I deleted it from the thread.